Lesson 7


1. Complete the emails with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Hi Alex

Thanks for being my penfriend. I'm from England. I get up (get up) at about half past seven, and then my mum makes (make) breakfast for the family.

I walk (walk) to school with my brother.

Our school finishes (finish) at three o'clock. After school we sometimes do (do) sports or play music.

I don't watch (not watch) TV when I get home.

I always do (do) my homework first.

Hi Dan

Thanks for your email. In Germany, school starts (start) very early in the morning.

So I don't have (not have) breakfast before school.

There is a 'breakfast break' after the first lesson.

How many lessons does your school have (your school have) every day?

2. Write questions. Then write the answers.

1. What time does Dan get up? He gets up at half past seven.

2. Does Dan make his own breakfast? No, he doesn’t. His mum makes it.

3. How do Dan and his brother go to school? They walk.

4. What time does Dan’s school finish? It finishes at 3 o’clock.

5. When does Dan do his homework? He does it before he watches TV/when he gets home.

6. Why does Alex have breakfast at school? Because his school starts very early so they have it at the ‘breakfast break’.

3. Complete the text with words from the picture.

I live my bedroom. I have a big white 1 wardrobe in the corner.

Next to it, there is a 2 mirror. I look at myself in it in the mornings.

I also have a small 3 bookshelf where I put my books.

Next to these, there is a big window. I have blue 4 curtains on it.

I close them at night. I also have a red 5 lamp next to my 6 bed.

I use it to read before I go to sleep.

Also in my bedroom, there is a grey 7 armchair.

I sit and read my book there sometimes.

There is also a 8 chest of drawers.

I put my T-shirts, socks and other clothes in it.

Finally, there is a big 9 carpet on the floor.