Lesson 2


1. Complete the text with these words.


My brother Ahmed loves playing handball and he's very good at it. When he was eight, he played in a junior competition for a team in our city.

The team didn't win, but it was second. Ahmed is now 21 and last year, he played for an important senior team.

He was very pleased. Next year, the team are playing in an important competition. I hope they win it!


2. Circle the correct -ed ending, then listen and check.

1. helped: sounds like / id / t / d

2. married: sounds like / id / t / d

3. needed: sounds like / id / t / d

4. played: sounds like / id / t / d

5. lived: sounds like / id / t / d

6. talked: sounds like / id / t / d


3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. My Uncle Rashid was (be) born in 1961.

2. He started (start) playing chess when he was very little and he was always very good at it.

3. He won (win) a junior chess competition when he was only 12!

4. He met (meet) Aunt Reem when he was 20 and they got (get) married in 1983.

5. In 1990, became (become) the number one chess player in our city.

4. Use these words to make questions.

1. when / born? When were you bom?

2. where / go / primary school? Where did you go to primary school?

3. walk / to primary school? Did you walk to primary school?

4. who / best friend / at primary school? Who was your best friend at primary school?

5. when / start / learning English? When did you start learning English?