Lesson 5


1. Work in pairs. Tick true what you think a good listener does.

A good listener

1. Doesn't tell me what to do. T

2. gives me advice but only if I ask for it. T

3. tries to talk about something else.

4. Listens without interrupting me. T

5. Looks interested in what I am saying. T

6. asks questions to make sure they really understand the problem. T

7. tells me about their own problems.

8. shows that they are listening. T

9. tells me everything is OK and my problem isn't serious.

10. tries to help me explain my feelings more clearly. T


2. Listen to four conversations and answer the questions.

1. Which listeners 1-4 have good listening skills? Listeners 2 and 4.

2. What mistakes are some listeners making?

In 1, the listener doesn't take the problem seriously.

In 3, the listener interupts, changes the subject, and speakes about her own situation and not that of the speaker.

3. Listen to the conversations again and complete the expressions the speakers use to show that they are listening.

1. Tell me about it, what happened?

2. Go on. It might help to talk about it, you know.

3. I see What makes you say that?

4. It's clear you are unhappy about it.

5. Can you give me an example of what you mean?

6. That must make you feel very sad.