Lesson 4


1. Read the text message that Heba has sent to her friend, Amal. What does Heba want to do? Which voluntary work do you think Heba should do? Why?

Hi Amal! Can you help me? I really want to do something to help other people in my free time, but I don’t know what I can do. Do you have any suggestions for voluntary work I could do? Heba

Heba wants to help other people / do voluntary work.

2. Read Amal’s reply. Who does Amal suggest that Heba could help? Read and tick.

Hi Heba! Good to hear from you! Why don’t you try visiting old people in their homes? You could also help disabled children with their work.
And how about looking after the baby animals at Youssef’s farm? Amal

a. old people T
b. disabled children T
c. babies
d. teachers
e. animals T


3. Read Amal’s message again. Underline the phrases for making suggestions that she uses, like the example.

Why don’t you try + verb -ing?
You could (also) + verb.
How about + verb -ing?