Lesson 6

Before you start

Go back and skim the story. Discuss these questions in pairs.

1. What is Jim Hawkins’ job on the ship?

He is the new ship’s boy.

2. Why is Captain Smollett unhappy at the start of the journey?

Because he doesn’t like the crew and he thinks they will not be safe.


1. Choose the correct definitions.

1. harbour, d. an area of water next to the land where ships can stay safely.

2. mutiny, f. when a group of people refuse to obey the person in charge of them and take control for themselves.

3. crutch, b. a special stick which you put under your arm to help you walk when you have hurt your leg.

4. parrot, a. a brightly coloured bird which can learn to speak.

5. barrel, g. a large container made of wood or metal.

6. pirate, c. a sailor who attacks ships and steals from them.

7. gang, e. a group of people that causes trouble.

8. secret, i. known about by only a few people and kept from others.

9. patient, j. able to wait calmly for a long time.

10. attack, h. an act of violence that is intended to hurt a person or damage a place.


2. Which is the best description of Long John Silver?

1 He’s a good man and a good sailor, but he’s unhappy because he did not choose the crew on the Hispaniola.

2 He’s a pale pirate with three fingers. He runs away from the inn when Jim sees him.

3 He’s a tall, friendly man with one leg. He’s an excellent sailor, but he’s also a pirate and is planning to attack Trelawney and his friends.

3. Work in groups to answer these questions:

1. Does Captain Smollett trust his crew? How do you know?

No. He’s unhappy about the crew knowing that they are looking for treasure. He tells Mr Trelawney and Dr Livesy to keep a gun with them because he is worried about a mutiny.

2. ‘Looking for treasure always means danger’. Why do you think Captain Smollett said this?

Because some people can’t be trusted when they think they might get rich.

3. Do you think Trelawney and Jim’s first impression on Captain Smollett was right? Why?

No. Jim finds out later that Smollett was right not to trust the crew because they are pirates.

4. Who are the two good men on the ship whom Dr Livesy was talking about?

Long John Silver and Captain Smollett.

5. Who was Captain Flint?

Flint was a captain on a ship with Long John Silver. He’s dead now and Long John Silver’s parrot is called Flint.

6. Silver and Pew were old friends. Explain.

Jim hears Silver talking about how Pew became blind, so they have known each other for a long time. Pew and Silver both sailed with Captain Flint.

7. What is Silver’s secret plan on the Hispaniola?

He plans to wait until they have found the treasure and then he’s going to kill Smollet, Dr Livesy, Mr Trelawney and Jim later.

8. ‘You want to do things quickly’, what does this quotation tell you about Silver’s character?

It shows that Silver can be patient as he can wait for the best time to do something.

9. Jim’s luck saved him from Silver and his men. Explain.

Dick was going to get an apple for Silver. He would discover Jim hiding in the barrel, but then someone saw land and everyone forgot about the apple.


4. Discuss these questions in pairs.

1. Not all that glitters is gold. Explain the meaning of this phrase, referring to Silver and Smollett.

Things aren’t as they first appear. At first, Jim thought that Silver was a good man and that Smollett was a bad man, but he was mistaken

about both of them.

2. How do you think Jim felt when he learned about Long John Silver’s true character?

I think he probably felt shocked and frightened.

3. ‘Most of the same crew are on this ship today’. What do you think will happen next after this quotation?

I think that the crew will mutiny because they all know each other and they want the treasure.