Lesson 2


1. Read the two emails to a magazine’s problem page below. Do they mention any of the problems you thought of in the Before you start section. Do they mention any other problems?

To: problems@teen-magazine.com
Subject: Help! I don’t have any friends at my new school!
c Dear Aunt Carol,
a I think it is difficult to make friends.
I don’t have any friends at my school. I am always on my own at break-time. Yesterday, I talked to a girl in my class.
I asked her if she wanted to do some homework with me but she said no.
b I need some advice about how to make friends. Do you have any advice for me?

To: problems@teen-magazine.com
Subject: Help! I’m really stressed!

c Dear Aunt Carol,
a I always work very hard at school, but I’m really stressed about some exams I have next week.
The first two exams are 3 hours long and will be very difficult.
The last exam is in a subject I’m not very good at. I’ve spent a lot of time tudying in the library this week, but thats hasn’t helped me feel better.
b I need some advice about how to relax, please.

2 Read the emails again. Label the parts of the emails.

a. Explaining the problem
b. Asking for advice
c. Saying who the email is for

Email 1 and 2: c, a, b

5. Look at the words you circled or underlined and complete this table.

Both Plural nouns Singular nouns

no article





a lot of


6. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. I think –/the exams we have next week will be very difficult.

2. I need a/the book from the library, but someone else has borrowed it.

3. The/exams are always very stressful for me.

4. I need an/some advice about how to make new friends.

5. I finished a/the homework before I went out.

6. The/– school holidays are starting soon.

7. I made a/the new friend recently.

8. At night, we can see a/the moon in a/the sky.