Lesson 3


1. Match the words with their descriptions.

1. bullying, c. the activity
2. a bully, a. the person
3. to bully, b. the verb


2. Listen to a radio phone-in about bullying. Answer the questions.

1. Why are other pupils bullying Ali?

Because he's not very good at football.

2. What effect has the bullying had on Ali?

He hates going to school.

3. What will happen if Ali does nothing?

Nothing will change. / The bullies will continue bullying him.

3. Listen again. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.

1. The radio show host says that a lot of/ not many teenagers are bullied at school.

2. Ali is a 15-year-old/16-year-old boy and other teenagers are bullying him.

3. Last week, two boys hid Ali’s jacket/rucksack at school.

4. Ali was too worried/sad to tell his teachers about the bullying.

5. Ali tells the radio show host that he will talk to his parents/a teacher about the bullying.


4. Discuss these questions in pairs.

1. Teenagers who are different to other teenagers at school, for example because they have different physical abilities, are bullied more often. Do you agree? Why? Why not?

This is sometimes true, but not always.

2. How can we help people who are different to us instead of bullying them?

We can try to understand them (or help them if necessary).

3 What can we learn from people who are different to us?

We can learn that everyone is different, and everyone can teach us something about life (see Skills for Life).