Revision 1

1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Smart cards ....... everywhere nowadays.

A use

B are used

C are using

D uses

2. Most football players ...... a lot of money.

A win

B beat

C earn

D fill

3. Tourism is ......... when we protect touristic places.

A crowded

B sustainable

C unique

D noisy

4. I ........ my friend since September.

A didn’t see

B hadn’t seen

C haven’t seen

D wasn’t seen

5. Village people build their houses with local ........

A tourists

B environments

C animals

D materials

6. I passed the exam! I’m over the .........

A moon

B ground

C sky

D earth

7. While I was revising my lesson, My mother ........ dinner.

A was preparing

B preparing

C is preparing

D prepares

8. When you visit the doctor, he or she often checks your blood .........

A pressure

B levels

C speed

D score

9. My uncle is very........He always buys me a big present when he visits me.

A sustainable

B generous

C spicy

D unkind

10. The local people benefit when lions .........

A is protected

B isn’t protected

C are protected

D protects

11. I always try to ...... food and clothes to my local charity.

A sell

B want

C owe

D donate

12. Mona was leaning out of the boat when she ......... her phone.

A drops

B is dropping

C dropped

D was dropping

13. We all ........ Mohamed Salah because he is polite and generous.

A hate

B respect

C discourage

D avoid

14. Ahmed’s parents have lived in the same house ......... 25 years.

A when

B since

C for

D ago

15. The man stole a lot of money so he was sent to ........

A trek

B prison

C an organisation

D home.

16. There are very few of these kinds of turtles now, they are .......

A safe

B isolated

C endangered

D dangerous

2. Complete the text with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Last year, we 1 travelled (travel) to the beautiful city of Venice in Italy. It was very crowded but we 2 enjoyed (enjoy) our holiday.
On the first day, we 3 took (take) a boat trip on the Grand Canal.
As we 4 were sailing (sail) along, my camera 5 fell (fall) into water! Of course I 6 was (be) very angry, but then I found a shop and 7 bought (buy) a different camera on
our way back to the hotel.

3. Complete the sentences with the present perfect or present simple passive form of the verb in brackets.

1. Tarek is still waiting for the bus because it has not arrived (not arrive) yet.
2. Sara has never read (never read) a book by Charles Dickens, but she wants to.
3. My father has worked (work) in a bank for 15 years.
4. I have just finished (just finish) my homework, so let’s go to the park!
5. The students in our school are encouraged (encourage) to work in pairs for some activities.
6. The cattle are given (give) food by the farmers in the winter.
7. Thousands of photographs are taken (take) of the pyramids every day.
8. Egyptian children are taught (teach) English from an early age.

4. Translate into Arabic.

1. It’s the first time I have ever done voluntary work.

هذه أول مرة أقوم بعمل تطوعي

2. The pharaohs made a great civilization thousands of years ago.

لقد صنع الفراعنة حضارة عظيمة منذ آلاف السنين

5. Translate into English.

1. تطور مصر السياحة البيئية لكي تحمي البيئات المختلفة بساحل البحر الأحمر

Egypt is improving/enhancing environmental tourism in order to protect the different environments along the Red Sea coast

2. أعطاني أبي هذه الكتاب في الأسبوع الماضي ولكني لم أنته من قراءته حتى الآن

My father gave me this book last week, but I haven’t read it yet.

6. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. Sara kept herself away from everything because she wanted to….

A have time to be with herself.

B think of a new idea for her story.

C think of a solution to a problem she has.

2. Why wasn't Sara checking her email?

A Her laptop wasn't working.

B she didn't have any friends.

C she didn't want to hear other people's problems.

3. The closest meaning to distant is….

A busy

B remote and far away

C not having a lot of people

4. What problem did the main character have?

A She lost her story.

B She forgot her story.

C There was no electricity.

8. Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. You bought me my theatre ticket yesterday, so I own you some money.

You bought me my theatre ticket yesterday, so I owe you some money.

2. Mohamed Salah is a roll model to many young Egyptians.

Mohamed Salah is a role model to many young Egyptians.

3. It is easy to get friends when you start university.

It is easy to make friends when you start university.

4. We tricked into the White Desert and it was really exciting.

We trekked into the White Desert and it was really exciting.

5. Salma is travelling around Europe when she lost her passport.

Salma was travelling around Europe when she lost her passport.

6. I have read that book two years ago.

I read that book two years ago.

7. Mona lived in this house since she was two.

Mona has lived in this house since she was two.

8. The organisation is base in France.

The organisation is based in France.

9. Did your brother studies History at university?

Did your brother study History at university?

10. The Earth go round the sun.

The Earth goes round the sun.