Revision 2

1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. I don’t know what to do, so I am going to ask my uncle for ..... advice.

A an

B some

C a

D any

2. There is always a lot of ........ before you can go on a plane.

A bullying

B security

C malware

D calm

3. I ........ the faculty of engineering when I grow up; it’s my intention.

A will join

B join

C am going to join

D am joining

4. Most people take clean water for ........., but not all places have it.

A granted

B given

C having

D done

5. My cousin spends a lot of time .......... photos on the internet.

A post

B posted

C posting

D posts

6. Your computer ......... is very easy to guess: it’s 1, 2, 3, 4!

A app

B software

C virus

D password

7. I want to write ......... short story. It looks like fun.

A no article

B the

C an

D a

8. You will find information about the sports club on the school .......

A communication

B connection

C noticeboard

D notice

9. Ramy promised ....... me to finish my school project.

A helps

B help

C helping

D to help

10. Before you plant a tree, you’ll need to ........ a hole.

A dig

B get

C take

D want

11. The teacher suggested ........ to the library to borrow some poetry books.

A go

B to go

C to going

D going

12. There will soon be the ....... for us to all travel in cars without drivers.

A speed

B technology

C scientist

D model

13. ........ poem I read yesterday is really interesting.


B An

C The

D no article

14. They all have smartphones, so they are all ....... to the internet.

A joined

B with

C disconnected

D connected

15. We never allow ......... in this school.

A bully

B bullying

C to bully

D is bullied

16. The email said it was from a bank, but we all knew it was really a .......

A software

B lock

C scam

D hack

2. Fill in the gaps with one word.

Space Tourism

Do you think people will 1 be able to go to the moon for a holiday in the future? Some people say ‘Space Tourism’ is 2 going to generate a lot of money in the future.

The training programme 3 will cost over $200 000, so it 4 won't be available to most people.

However, some companies have waiting lists of people who 5 are hoping to become astronauts in the next two years.

Perhaps your grandchildren 6 will take their holidays on Mars!

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. I don’t think that people will ever live (ever live) on the moon.
2. Aisha decided to buy (buy) a travel book.
3. Robert Louis Stevenson always wanted to be (be) a writer.
4. I am playing/ am going to play (play) volleyball with my cousins at the weekend.
Do you want to play too?
5. The phone is ringing. I will answer (answer) it.
6. Look at those clouds! It is going to rain (rain).
7. Do you enjoy reading (read) poems?
8. We didn’t understand the recording, so the teacher suggested listening (listen) to it again.

4. Translate into Arabic.

1. Do you think man will live on the moon in the future?

هل تعتقد أن الانسان سوف يعيش على القمر في المستقبل

2. Young people are able to share in doing voluntary work in different fields.

ان الشباب قادر على المشاركة في القيام بالعمل التطوعي في شتى المجالات

5. Translate into English.

1. دائما أتذكر أن أغير كلمة السر لتلفوني المحمول كل شهر

I always remember to change my cell phone password every month.

2. علينا أن نستغل أوقات الفراغ في ممارسة الهوايات المفيدة

We should use our free time to do/practise/ engage in new hobbies.

6. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. According to the text, people like technology because they can …

A play games.

B find information.

C take pictures.

2. According to the text, technology does not improve …

A communication.

B education.

C physical exercise.

3. People are worried that the light from tablets can cause difficulty in ….

A sleeping.

B reading.

C turning off the screen.

4. In the past, there were …

A never any scams.

B no words for some of todays’ problems.

C different words for the same problems.

7. Write what you would say in the following situations.

1. A friend tells you that all sports are boring. You do not agree.

I don’t agree./I’m not sure about that.

2. The teacher asks you to begin a presentation about the advantages of the internet.

Today, I’m going to talk about the advantages of the internet.

3. A friend asks you if you can help him/her with a project, but you are busy.

No, I’m afraid I can’t. (I’m busy.)

8. Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. The children were all wearing an uniform.

The children were all wearing a uniform.

2. Excuse me, can you give me advices?

Excuse me, can you give me some advice.

3. Is this computer connection to the internet?

Is this computer connected to the internet?

4. We have our tickets! We will go to London in the summer!

We have our tickets! We are going to London in the summer!

5. You look thirsty. I am going to get you a drink.

You look thirsty. I will get you a drink.

6. One day, I think we are all living in very tall buildings.

One day, I think we will all live in very tall buildings.

7 Robert Louis Stevenson wrote stories and poets.

Robert Louis Stevenson wrote stories and poems.

8. Sorry, I forgot buying bread when I went to the shops.

Sorry, I forgot to buy bread when I went to the shops.

9. I promise phoning you when I arrive at out cousins’ house.

I promise to phone you when I arrive at our cousins’ house.

10. I don’t suppose could you help me carry this bag?

I don’t suppose you could help me carry this bag?