Lesson 2

Before you start

Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

What does the heart do?

The heart is a muscle that pumps blood around the body.

What can we do to keep our hearts strong and healthy?

To keep our hearts healthy, we should eat healthily and do exercise.


1. Listen to the news report and choose the correct summary.

A. Football clubs have to stop damaging the health of their players.
B. Athletes must understand the importance of checking their hearts.
C. Doctors have to educate us about regular exercise.

2. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones.

1. Many experts agree about the importance of having a healthy heart. T
2. In 2006, football clubs had to check their players’ hearts. F, They didn’t have to.
3. Mohamed Abdelwahab thought that he was healthy before he became ill. T
4. The Athletic Heart Center (AHC) opened in 2016. F, It opened in 2018.
5. The AHC had to have the best technology to check athletes’ hearts. T
6. The AHC Director believes that the AHC will help many people in Egypt. T
7. Members of the Egyptian national handball team didn’t have to check their hearts. F, Anyone who does any kind of sport should check the health of their heart first.
8. The book called Athletic Heart: Between Dreams of a Trophy and Sudden Death will only be interesting for young athletes. F, Everyone should learn the importance of having a healthy heart.


4. Complete the sentences about what to do if someone is bleeding from an injury.


1. You must put on gloves before helping someone who’s bleeding. If you don’t, you might give them an infection.
2. Then you have to take a bandage or cloth and press it down on the area which is bleeding.
3. If anything is in the person’s arm, you mustn't pull it out because it could hurt them more.
4. Then wrap the bandage around the person’s arm. You don’t have to make it very tight, but make sure it can’t come off.


5. Schools have to help their students to stay safe and healthy. Complete the sentences with the ideas in the box.


a. Schools must ask students to check their hearts before doing sports.
b. Schools mustn’t stop giving advice on how to perform CPR. Schools have to teach students how to perform first aid.
c. Schools don’t have to tell students what sport they can and can’t play.
d. Schools have to have first aid kits available.
e. Schools must ask students to check their hearts before doing sports.