Lesson 1

1. Look at the list of abbreviations below. Match the abbreviations 1–8 with their meanings.

1. LOL, g. Laugh out loud
2. c u l8r, b. See you later
3. gr8, f. Great!
4. plz, a. Please
5. idk, e. I don’t know
6. 2moro, h. Tomorrow
7. thx, c. Thank you
8. ASAP, d. As soon as possible


2. Read the messages and choose the best abbreviation for each gap.


Did Lamia and Nevine have an argument?

idk / 2moro. I hope not!


Hey! U there, Sami? I can’t do the Maths homework. Can I see yours plz / gr8?

Sure! Here’s a photo.

idk / thx!


Hey! Can we talk c u l8r / ASAP?
Need advice.

Sure. Let’s meet 2moro / LOL

3. Read the article. Choose the best title.

A Text messaging language is changing English
B Why adults can’t use text messaging language
C How to learn text messaging language

4. Read the article again and answer these questions.

1. Why do people use messaging language?

Messaging language makes communication quicker.

2. How is text messaging language different from formal English?

Text messaging language doesn’t require correct spelling, difficult grammar and punctuation.

3. How do some people use punctuation in emails now?

Some people use less punctuation and some people use more than is needed.

4. Why are some teachers worried about teenagers who use text messaging language?

Teachers are worried that teenagers are no longer able to speak or write using English correctly.

5. Why do some linguists like text messaging language?

Linguists say messaging language is quick, short and communicates a lot in a small space.


5. Match the verbs to the functions.


1. advise positive advice

2. ask request

3. encourage positive advice

4. tell order

5. warn negative advice

6. Complete the sentences with the verbs from Exercise 5 in the correct form.

1. Maya’s parents always encouraged her to sing.

2. Omar asked me to help him. It was a polite request, so I agreed.

3. Rami warned/advised Imad not to go out. It was good advice because it rained.

4. Mr Sakr encouraged/advised me to study. It was good advice because I passed my exam.

5. The doctor told Ali to stop smoking.