Lesson 2


1. tone, d. the change in your voice that shows what you are feeling or thinking
2. to misunderstand, b. to have an expression on your face that shows you are not happy
3. not necessarily, c. to not understand properly
4. to frown, a. a response to something that has been said that may not be true or correct


3. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. What is Dr Magda Morsy’s book about?

Dr Magdy’s book is about messaging.

2. Who is Talia?

Talia is the presenter’s daughter.

3. What did Talia’s friend send to her?

Talia’s friend sent her a photo of herself.

4. What did Talia say in response?

Talia wrote LOL.

5. Why was Talia upset?

Talia was upset because Mona didn’t reply and Talia thought she was upset with her.

6. What three things does Dr Magda say we cannot do when we are messaging?

We cannot see the other person’s face, hear their voice or see their body movements.

7. What does she say messaging is useful for?

Messaging is great for staying in touch with friends.

8. What Was Dr Magda's advice for Talia?

Her advice is that she shouldn’t get upset so quickly when she doesn’t get an immediate reply.


5. Look at these sentences from Exercise 2 and complete them with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. What should Talia (do) have done yesterday evening?

2. She should have put (put) her phone down.

3. She shouldn’t have got (get) upset so quickly.

4. She could have called (call) and spoken (speak) to Mona.

5. She could have asked (ask) ‘Can I call you?’

6. Complete the sentences using could have, couldn’t have, should have or shouldn’t have.

1. Ashraf shouldn’t have been unkind to his sister, Dareen. He knew she would be upset.

2. Hamid was working with me all day, so you couldn’t have seen him at the park.

3. Kamal could have helped Fawzi, but he didn't because they aren't friends anymore.

4. Why hasn't he called? Tarek said he would call when he got to the hotel and he should have arrived by now.

5. Thank you. It's a fantastic gift, but you shouldn’t have spent so much money on me.

6. I should have gone to bed earlier last night. I’m really tired today.

7. Work in pairs. What is the difference in meaning between these two sentences?

A. Hana should have called me this morning.
B. Hana could have called me this morning.

In sentence A Hana was expected to call (maybe there was a plan or an agreement) but she didn’t.

In sentence B Hana had the ability to call but she didn’t.