Lesson 6


1. Complete the sentences with these words from the play.


1. My bedroom is so small that there isn’t enough room for a desk.

2. We had a disagreement about which film to watch, but I let him watch a comedy.

3. Azza is a great friend. She has a lot of patience, so she never gets angry.

4. Your brother makes us laugh when he tells funny jokes.

5. I asked Seleem to apologise to Ziad for shouting.

6. Mr Hassan could be a spy because he speaks five languages and he often travels to foreign countries.

7. Twenty-four is double twelve.

8. We can shelter in this shop until the rain stops.

2. Find these phrases in the text and choose the correct answer.

1. When King Lear says to Regan, “You would never turn your back on me,” he means that she would not …

A say bad things about him.
B refuse to look at his face.
C refuse to help him.

2. When King Lear says “You’d not lock me out,” to Regan, he means that she would not …

A stop him coming into her home.
B ignore him when he spoke to her.
C lie to him about her plans.

3. When King Lear says “I won’t set eyes on you again,” to Goneril, he means that …

A he won’t look at her again.
B he won’t visit her again.
C he won’t believe her again.


3. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F).
Correct the false sentences.

1. Regan is happy that her father has come to stay with her. F, Regan is not happy.

2. Goneril and Regan don’t want their father to bring any soldiers to their homes. T

3. The Duke of Cornwall follows Lear into the storm. T

4. Regan keeps the door open so that her father can come back inside. F, Regan locks the doors.

5. There is somewhere near that Lear can stay for the night. F, There is nowhere to shelter for many kilometres.

6. Kent asks a soldier to help Lear. T

4. Where are the characters at the end of Act II Scene i? Write Out (outside in the storm) or In (inside the Duke of Cornwall’s home).

Cornwall: In
Edgar: Out
The Fool: Out
Goneril: In
Gloucester: In
Kent: Out
King Lear: Out Regan: In