Lesson 2


1. Look at the adjectives. Put them into the correct list in the table.


describes taste: salty, spicy, sweet.

describes food: expensive, rare, popular.


3. Listen and answer the questions about food in the UK.

1. Is food in the UK better or worse than it used to be? It is better.
2. Which is probably the most popular dish? Fish and chips.
3. Is this dish more expensive than other takeaway food? No, it is cheaper than most other takeaway food.
4. Why do many people in the UK like Indian restaurants? Because they like spicy food and Indian food is usually the spiciest.
5. Which is one of the most traditional dishes in the UK? Roast lamb with potatoes and vegetables.
6. Why do the British buy a lot of ice-cream in the summer? Because the weather is hotter then.


4. Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Mexican food is usually spicier than (spicy) French food.
2. The curry was too hot, it was the spiciest (spicy) thing I’ve ever eaten!
3. People in the countryside often cook food that’s more traditional than (traditional) the food people eat in cities.
4. In my opinion, fish tastes a lot better than (a lot, good) oysters.
5. American cookies are sweeter than (sweet) Japanese mochi.
6. Meals with meat are usually the most expensive (expensive) meals in restaurants.
7. That meal was too salty, it was the worst (bad) meal I’ve had at that restaurant!