
King Lear

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words.


1. Mr Ahmed did not buy his house. It was an inheritance from his parents.

2. My younger brother always tells the truth He never lies.

3. It is natural to feel anger sometimes, but it is important to learn to control it.

4. We really wanted to climb the mountain, and we all felt very happy when we succeeded.

5. The man in the market says that all his watches are new, but I don’t trust him. I think they are all quite old.

6. Do you think that loyalty is the most important quality that a best friend can show you?

7. My grandmother had a small income as a cleaner, but she never had very much money.

8. This email asking for money says it is from the bank, but I think it is trying to deceive us.

9. You can go into the building one way and exit through a different door.

2. Match to make sentences.

1. Cordelia’s heart, c. was broken when she had to leave her sisters.
2. Cordelia hopes that her sisters will take, e. care of her father.
3. Regan thinks that Cordelia got, d. what she deserved because she failed to do what her father asked.
4. Goneril was surprised when Lear decided to send, a. Cordelia away.
5. Goneril and Regan say they must prepare for problems with Lear’s ill, b. health and old age.

3. Match the people with how they are described, or how they describe themselves.

1. Kent, c. an honest man
2. Edgar, a. strong, kind and clever
3. Edmund, d. cruel
4. Lear, b. angry and a little mad

4. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences in your notebook.

1. Cordelia has to leave her family in England. T
2. Regan and Goneril don’t think that Cordelia should leave them. F, They think she deserves to leave.
3. Edmund thinks that his brother Edgar deserves his inheritance. F, He thinks this is not fair.
4. Edmund writes a letter and tells his father that Edgar wrote it. T
5. Gloucester is angry after hearing what is in the letter. T
6. Edmund is an honest and kind man. F, He is planning to deceive people.

5. Read the quotations and answer the questions.

1. “If our father still has some power, his anger will become a problem for us.”
Do you think that Goneril and Regan want to take care of Lear, or do they want something else?

No, they don’t want to take care of him. They worry that he will be a problem because he is angry and a little mad. They want his power.

2. “My son cannot be so cruel to a father who loves him so much.”
Why does Gloucester think that Edgar is cruel?

Because Gloucester thinks Edgar wants him dead, so that Edgar can have Gloucester’s income and share it with Edmund.

3. “My brother and father trust me, which makes them easy to deceive.”
Why is Edmund trying to deceive his brother and father?

Edmund wants his father to think that Edgar is cruel so he can have his inheritance. To do this, he deceives Edgar, who thinks his father is angry with him.

6. Answer these questions.

1. Why will Edgar get his father’s inheritance and not Edmund?

Because Edgar is the older brother/the first son.

2. In what ways are Goneril and Regan like Edmund?

They all want to take something from their fathers.