Lesson 2


1. Read the article quickly and answer these questions.

1. What happened to Costa Rica in the 1980s?

It lost around 60% of its rainforests.

2. Who will be visiting the Amazon rainforest in the future?

More tourists.

2. Read the article again and answer the questions.

1. Why do some people worry about the future of rainforests?

Because people are cutting down trees.

2. What did farmers in Costa Rica stop doing in the 1990s?

They stopped cutting down trees.

3. Why did they do this?

Because the government persuaded them to look after the rainforest.

4. What changed in 2004?

People around the world started to change how they thought about rainforests, and the number of trees cut down has been getting smaller every year.

5. Why do you think the government of Costa Rica and other governments are starting to change the way they think about rainforests? Do you think they are right? Why?

Because this could help the people, the trees and the wildlife in these countries. I agree, because this is beneficial to the whole world and will help us avoid future problems.


3. Complete the sentences with the future continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I can’t visit my cousins in June because I will be working (work) for a charity.
2. This train will not be stopping (not stop) at the next station.
3. Soha is thinking about her holiday next month, when she will be lying (lie) on a beach all day!
4. Do you think people will be having (have) holidays in space one day?
5. I think that everyone will be driving (drive) electric cars in the future.