
King Lear

1. Complete with the correct form of the words in the box.


1. He rarely makes mistakes. He is very wise and careful.
2. We all respect him because he behaves politely.
3. My father usually encourages us to read different books.
4. It's very rude to ignore someone.
5. We have a very honest servant who never steals anything from the house.
6. The criminal tried to disguise himself so the police wouldn’t recognise him.
7. Don't be cruel to animals; the little horse can't pull this huge cart.

2. Match the characters in column A with the actions in column B.

1. The King’s soldiers are starting, e. to behave badly.
2. Kent has changed, f. how he usually speaks.
3. King Lear asks Kent, a. to be his servant.
4. Kent hits Oswald, d. because he is rude to the King.
5. Goneril has sent away, c. fifty of the King’s soldiers.
6. Albany believes that Goneril, b. is worrying too much.

3. Complete the sentences with these adjectives.


1. King Lear is starting to get angry with everything.
2. Kent tells King Lear that he is a poor but honest man.
3. One of the soldiers is rude because he does not listen to Lear.
4. Albany says he is not guilty of making Lear angry.
5. Goneril calls her father a mad old man.
6. Albany thinks that Goneril should be kinder to her father.

4. Answer these questions.

1. Where does Goneril say that Lear can stay if he is unhappy at her home?

She says that he can stay with her sister.

2. What does Kent tell Lear that he can give him?

He says that he can give him good and honest advice.

3. Why does the fool say the cart is pulling the horse?

Because things aren’t the way they should be. The King does not have power.

4. Who does Lear think is ruder to him than Cordelia?


5. Do you think that Albany is happy with his wife Goneril’s behaviour?

No, he thinks she is worrying too much and is making problems.

5. Read the quotations and answer the questions.

1. “The foolish old man still wants to have the power that he’s given away!”
What does this tell us about how Goneril sees her father?

She thinks he is foolish and old and that he gave away his power with his land. She does not understand that he is an important man – her father with the title of King.

2. “I still love the King and I’ll continue to work hard for him, but he won’t know me.”
What does this tell us about Kent?

It shows he is a kind and loyal friend who will do anything to protect the King.

3. “My lady’s father? How rude!”
Why is King Lear angry with Oswald?

King Lear thinks Oswald should call him “the King”, not “my lady’s father”.

4. “Call my soldiers. You won’t have any more trouble from me, because now I have only one daughter left.”
Why does King Lear say this to Goneril?

He is angry because she tells him that he should not have so many soldiers and she is not polite to him.

5. If Goneril has a child who is cruel to her, “… she will have a taste of her own medicine.”
What does King Lear mean by this expression?

It means that Goneril will understand how King Lear feels one day, because his child has been cruel to him

6. “It’s better to worry and be safe.”
Why does Goneril say this to Albany?

She says this because she does not want King Lear to have so many soldiers. She is worried that the soldiers might want to attack them. It will be safer if the soldiers go.

6. Match to make collocations.

1. be angry, c. with someone
2. give, e. advice to someone
3. hold, d. your head
4. make, b. someone unhappy
5. solve, a. someone’s problems