Revision 1

1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Which is the most ....... boys’ name in your class?

A healthy

B immune

C popular

D athletic

2. This book was ...... than the last one she wrote. I didn’t like it.

A good

B best

C worst

D worse

3. It is my sister’s eighteenth birthday today, so my family are going to ....... this evening.

A boost

B celebrate

C repeat

D serve

4. I ....... go to a specialized hospital because I had a heart attack.

A have to

B must

C had to

D didn’t have to

5. The doctors are worried because the man has a ....... illness.

A past

B severe

C spicy

D wise

6. They ....... to build a new hospital in the city next year.

A will

B going

C are going

D will be

7. Your ........ system works better if you eat healthy food.

A immune

B emergency

C athletic

D injured

8. I think it ........ rain this afternoon.

A will

B going to

C is going

D will be

9. You need strong ........ to lift that box!

A brain

B heart

C lungs

D muscles

10. Let’s ........ together this weekend. It would be nice to see you!

A have

B get

C make

D do

11. The farmer keeps a lot of ........ such as goats and sheep.

A agriculture

B livestock

C production

D crops

12. My little sister isn't allowed to play this game because she ........ to be more than eight years old to play it, and she’s four!

A has

B must

C should

D don’t have

13. In some areas, fishing is not ........ because one day there will be no fish left.

A sustainable

B delivered

C destroyed

D changing

14. You ....... bring your sun hat today because it is cloudy.

A mustn’t

B don't have to

C shouldn't

D have to

15. Our class ....... working in the laboratory all this afternoon.

A will

B going to

C will be

D won't

16. Some scientists believe that more people ........ seaweed in the future.

A eat

B ate

C will be eating

D are eating

2. Fill in the gaps with one word.


Coronavirus is a severe 1 illness In 2020, a new coronavirus called COVID-19 made many people very ill.
It is the 2 worst illness that we have had this century. For many people, COVID-19 affected their 3 lungs so badly that they found it difficult to breathe.
It is 4 rare to be seriously ill with COVID-19 for a long time.
Most people who get COVID-19 feel better after about a week, but if you have it, you 5 must stay home for many days.
We all 6 have to be careful to keep clean and wash our hands so we do not catch illnesses like COVID-19.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. These shoes are the most expensive (expensive) in the shop.
2. It is believed (believe) that the Ancient Egyptians did not eat meat very often.
3. Alexandria is a big city, but it is smaller (small) than Cairo.
4. The museum will not be open (not be) open tomorrow because it is a holiday.
5. Haytham is not going (not go) to the park because he has to study this afternoon.
6. In a few years' time, I think that all my friends will be studying (study) at university!
7. Do you think people will have (have) holidays in space one day?
8. What will you be doing (do) at this time tomorrow?

4. Translate the following into Arabic.

Sports play an important role in making our minds and bodies stronger. However, athletes should have regular checks to make sure they have no serious health problems.

تلعب الرياضة دورا بارزا في بناء عقولنا وأجسادنا. ومع ذلك ، يجب أن يخضع الرياضيون لفحوصات منتظمة للتأكد من عدم وجود مشاكل صحية خطيرة لديهم

5. Translate the following into English.

يعتقد العلماء أن ارتفاع أسعار الغذاء وتزايد أعداد السكان يعني أنه يجب علينا إعادة التفكير فيما يجب أن نفعله من أجل التخطيط لمواجهة نقص الطعام في المستقبل

Scientists believe that the increase in food prices and the increasing population mean that we must rethink what we have to do to plan for facing future food shortage.

6. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. According to the text, many people today … than people in the past.
A are healthier
B live longer
C eat nicer food
D use supermarkets more
2. What is the problem with some types of soup?
A They are made from seawater.
B They are fizzy.
C They are very salty.
D They have a lot of sugar in them.
3. Why do you think food companies put so much salt and sugar in the food which they produce?
A to make it taste good
B to make it healthier
C to improve the appearance
D to make it more expensive
4. According to the text, why is it a good idea to check the labels of food at
a supermarket?
A to check the date
B to find the amount of sugar and salt in it
C to check the price
D to see what it is

7. Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. Everyone should learn how to make first aid.

Everyone should learn how to do first aid.

2. Be careful. That is the spicier meal on the menu!

Be careful. That is the spiciest meal on the menu!

3. She doesn't have to get up early yesterday because it was a holiday.

She didn’t have to get up early yesterday because it was a holiday.

4. My mother usually repairs lunch before we return home from school.

My mother usually prepares lunch before we return home from school.

5. There is a various of goods in the new store near my house.

There is a variety of goods in a new store near my house.

6. The new wonderful hotel near the tourist site is going to boast tourism.

The new wonderful hotel near the tourist site will boost tourism.

7. Will you be taken the bus to school next week?

Will you be taking the bus to school next week?

8. Take a coat to London next week because it’s going be cold.

Take a coat to London next week because it’s going to be cold.

9. I can’t come to the sports club next week because I will travelling to Aswan.

I can’t come to the sports club next week because I will be travelling to Aswan.

10. He can’t speak well as he has a throat infect.

He can’t speak well as he has a throat infection.