Revision 2

1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. ...... I have a look at what you’re posting online?

A Will

B Can

C Would

D Can’t

2. Our geography teacher never smiles and has a permanent ........

A frown

B emoji

C tone

D laugh

3. I ......... downloaded that program. Now I have a virus on my laptop.

A can’t have

B could have

C shouldn’t have

D will have

4. Did you know that ‘C U l8er’ is the ......... for ‘see you later’?

A acronym

B selfie

C emoji

D abbreviation

5. My mother always has a bad reaction if she ......... honey.

A eats

B will have

C have

D had

6. We had a small ........ about which birthday present to buy our friend.

A banner

B disagreement

C blog post

D disbelief

7. I wish I .......... taken that selfie. I look terrible!

A have not

B has not

C won't have

D had not

8. The teacher .......... us not to look at our phones during the exam.

A looked

B suggested

C warned

9. I shouldn’t have read the email so quickly because I ......... the message.

A misunderstands

B misunderstanding

C misunderstand

D misunderstood

10. When we are not sure about how to spell a word, we can ........ a dictionary.

A consult

B scan

C update

D skim

11. If you post that picture of Amir, he ........ angry for sure.

A would have got

B would get

C got

D will get

12. There are 6,000 ........ to my brother’s blog.

A posters

B subscribers

C likes

D followers

13. My dad wanted that new car the moment he set eyes .......... it.

A on

B in

C with

D back

14. I can’t see this photo clearly. What is it ......?

A meaning to be

B seemed to be

C supposed to

D meant to be

15. I like to hang ......... with my friends in the park after school.

A on

B with

C out

D in

16. I saw that someone is offering a/an ....... for finding a lost mobile phone.

A profit

B assistant

C prize

D reward

2. Complete the word in brackets with the correct prefix or suffix to complete the sentence.


1. Maya got into trouble for misbehaving (behaving) in class.
2. My grandfather said that the shops used to sell reusable (usable) soft drink bottles.
3. This tablet is useless (use) because the battery is very old.
4. The text on this phone is so small it’s unreadable (unread).
5. I think it was very unkind (kind) of him to say something so rude.
6. To be a good friend, you need to be a good listener (listen).

3. Match the sentence halves to make zero, first, second or third conditional sentences.

1. I wouldn't download that program, c. if I were you.
2. If you had told me earlier, g. I would have put the torch in my bag.
3. If you install the app like this, d. it works perfectly.
4. If I studied harder, h. we will finish the project sooner.
5. If you get caught cheating, f. you will be in big trouble.
6. At my school, if it rains, b. we have to do PE indoors.
7. It would have been fine, a. if she hadn't said anything.
8. If you help me, e. we will finish the project sooner.

4. Write the reported speech sentences using the words in brackets.

1. Our teacher: ‘If I were you, I wouldn’t frown when you are in a job interview.’ (advised)

Our teacher advised us not to frown in a job interview.

2. My mum: ‘Please help me to find that photo on my phone’ (asked)

My mum asked me to help her find that photo on her phone.

3. Adam’s dad: ‘I’m sure if you keep on revising, you will do very well in your English exam, Adam.’ (encouraged)

Adam’s dad encouraged him to keep on revising for his English exam.

4. Our grandmother: ‘Be careful to keep your new phones away from water.’ (warned)

Our grandmother warned us to keep our new phones away from water.

5. Fill in the gaps with one word. Listen and check.

Are you actively listening or just waiting your turn?

When you are hanging 1 out with friends, do you listen carefully to them or do you just wait for your turn to speak? If you really listen, then you are an active listener and a good friend. If you want to make sure that you continue to get 2 together with your friends and do not fall 3 out with them, here are a few tips.
No one likes to feel like their friends are ignoring them.
To avoid your friends turning their backs 4 on you, keep eye contact while you chat.
This shows them that you are listening. Don't keep looking at your phone all the time. If your friend is enjoying talking and really getting 5 into telling you about something, encourage them to speak and don't interrupt.
Don’t be unreliable!
Psychologists advise us to be patient and ask questions to avoid misunderstandings. We should always make an effort to see things from their point of view.
Being an active listener will make your friendships stronger, and your friends will always want to keep 6 in touch with you.

6. Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. Find expressions that mean:
A to ignore turning their backs on you.
B to think or feel like someone point of view.
C to stop someone from saying something interrupt.

2. What should you do with your eyes when talking to a friend?

You should maintain eye contact/look at your friend and never at your phone.

3. What advice do psychologists give to avoid disagreements with friends?

Be patient, never judge, and ask questions.

4. In what way should we try to understand what our friends are saying?

Try to look at it from their point of view.

5. What are the advantages of being an active listener?

You will have stronger relationships and you will be a happier person.

7. Translate the following into Arabic.

Body language often has a great impact in transmitting messages. Facial expressions and eye movements are important.
A smile on the face reflects confidence, while a frown reflects the opposite.

غالبا ما يكون للغة الجسد تأثير كبير في توصيل الرسائل، تعابير الوجه وحركات العين مهمة، حيث تعكس الابتسامة علي الوجه الثقة، في حين أن التجهم يوضح العكس

8. Translate the following into English.

تتمتع مصر عبر كل العصور بالكثير من عوامل الجذب السياحية ومن أهمها الأثار المصرية القديمة، لذا علينا أن نرشد السياح جيداً للحفاظ عليها لأهميتها التاريخية

Throughout all ages, Egypt has (had) many tourist attractions, the most important of which are the ancient Egyptian monuments, so we must guide tourists well to preserve them due to their historical value.

9. Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. He understood what I wanted him to do because he did the opposite. misunderstood
2. On my opinion, I think we should choose this one. in
3. Maher seem to be a lot happier in his new school. seems
4. You should skim the text for specific information. scan
5 If we know you were coming, we would have prepared a meal. had known
6. I made a bad mistake, but my father forbade me because I didn't intend to do it. forgave
7. My mother asked me go to the shop. me to go to
8. It is sensitive to keep note of your passport number. important
9. The bus was too crowded; I didn't find a room for us! room
10. He should have studies more for the exam. studied