Lesson 2


1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

1. If I hadn’t learnt English,

a I wouldn’t have made international friends.

b I won’t make international friends.

2. Scrooge wouldn’t have felt so alone

a if he doesn’t care about people.

b If he had cared more about people.

3. If we hadn’t taken our map with us,

a we would have got lost.

b we will get lost.

4. Tarek would have gone to the museum

a if Munir had invited him.

b if Munir will invite him.

2. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets to make third conditional sentences.

1. If she had taken (take) sun cream to the beach, she wouldn't have got (not get) burnt.
2. Scrooge would have been (be) happier if he hadn't been (not be) so mean.
3. Bob Cratchit wouldn't have been (not be) cold if Scrooge had paid (pay) for a big fire.
4. If we hadn't taken (not take) a taxi, we would have been (be) late for the train.
5. You would have heard (hear) what he said if you had listened (listen) carefully.
6. If he had spent (spend) less time on social media, he wouldn't have wasted (not waste) his time.

3. Use the third conditional and the information below to write Scrooge’s regrets.

1. Bob Cratchit’s young son died.

If I had paid for a doctor, Bob Cratchit’s son wouldn’t have died.

2. Bob Cratchit’s family were cold and hungry.

If I had increased Bob's salary, his family would not/wouldn’t have been cold and hungry.

3. Many poor people needed donations to help them.

If I had donated money to charity, there would have been fewer poor people.