Lesson 3


1. Complete the table with phrases with an opposite meaning. Check your answers in a dictionary.


fall out with get on with
spend no time with hang out with
get into stop being interested in
lose touch with keep in touch with

2. Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence.

1. I didn't get on with/fall out with my brother when we were young, but we're good friends now.
2. I like to lose touch with/hang out with my friends in the park.
3. Whenever I go past my primary school, it brings back/gets into lovely memories.
4. Social media is a great way to keep in touch with/lose touch with friends.
5. We were good friends until we fell out with/brought back each other.


3. Read the situations and complete the regrets using wish, should and the third conditional.

1. I ate too much and now I feel ill.
I wish that I hadn’t eaten too much.
2. My brother didn’t clean his room and now my parents are angry.
He should have cleaned his room.
3. My father stopped studying English and now he needs it for work.
He wishes that he hadn't stopped studying English.
4. My friends didn’t go on the picnic and they didn’t have fun.
If my friends had gone on the picnic, they would have had fun.
5. I went out in the rain yesterday and now I have a cold.
I shouldn’t have gone out in the rain yesterday.


4. Listen and decide what the two friends are doing.

a The friends are uploading old school photos to a website.
b The friends are sharing sad moments about their prep school.
c The friends are talking about old school photos someone has posted.

5. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. Lamia and Ola used to sit opposite each other. T

2. Lamia used to fall out with Hoda. F, Lamia used to fall out with Ola.

3. Lamia wishes that she hadn't argued with Ola. T

4. Hoda lost something at prep school. T

5. Hoda has a bad relationship with Samira now. F, They are good friends now.

6. Lamia feels sad she is not in contact with her old friends. T

7. Hoda is happy with the amount of homework she has now. F. They had a lot less at prep school.

8. Lamia suggests getting in touch with their old friends online. T