Practice Exercises 1

1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. My mother has ....... a delicious meal of chicken and rice.

A prepared

B celebrated

C done

D cook

2. Do you prefer sweet food like chocolate or ....... food such as fish and nuts?

A salt

B salty

C spicy

D small

3. Where do you have to put your hands when you ........ CPR?

A prepare

B make

C perform

D act

4. You shouldn’t smoke, it is very bad for your ........

A muscle

B cell

C surface

D lungs

5. You aren't late. You ....... hurry.

A had to

B don't have to

C didn't have to

D have to

6. In next week’s radio programme, we ......... to a famous scientist.

A talk

B will be talking

C talking

D have talked

7. There was food at my friend's party, so I ....... eat before I went there.

A mustn't

B didn’t have to

C had to

D don't have to

8. Did you know that Indian food is one of the ....... foods in the UK?

A most popular

B poor

C best popular

D popular

9. COVID-19 can spread in crowded places, so we should be careful to avoid ........

A protection

B injection

C infection

D perfection

10. This is the ....... book I have ever read; I learned so much about athletes' hearts.

A least valuable

B most valuable

C much valuable

D more valuable

11. All King Lear wanted was to keep the ...... of King.

A inheritance

B promotion

C address

D title

12. Travelling by plane is ....... expensive than travelling by train.

A many more

B much

C much more

D a lot

13. We must look for more ....... solutions that involve producing a wider variety of food.

A unavailable

B sustainable

C traditional

D insupportable

14. I think my brother ........ this mobile phone most.

A going to like

B is liked

C will like

D has liked

15. She felt ....... for making her sister angry, so she apologised to her.

A guilty

B fond

C proud

D capable

16. We can’t go to the club this evening; we ........ for Amr’s birthday party.

A will be preparing

B had to prepare

C going to prepare

D won't prepare

2. Choose the correct answers.

Last Saturday was an exciting 1 occasion/tradition because we celebrated my grandfather’s 80th birthday!
All the family got 2 out/together, so there were 30 of us! My grandfather’s daughters (my mother and aunts) cooked a special meal and I helped to 3 celebrate/serve the food to everyone at the party.
In my 4 conclusion/opinion, it was the 5 better/best meal I’ve ever eaten!
You must see the photos that I took on my phone! I 6 will/want show them to you when we meet.

3. Translate the following into Arabic.

The immune system is made of the cells and organs in our bodies working together to protect us from infections and diseases.
This system keeps us healthy because people with strong immune systems get ill less often.

يتكون جهاز المناعة من خلايا وأعضاء الموجودة في أجسامنا التي تعمل معا لحمايتنا من العدوى والأمراض يعمل هذا الجهاز للحفاظ عللى صحتنا فالأشخاص ذوي جهاز مناعة قوي يمرضون بشكل أقل

4. Translate the following into English

الكل يخطئ، لكن لا يعرف معظمنا كيف يستفيد من أخطائه المختلفة. التعلم من الأخطاء مهارة علينا جميعا اكتسابها، فمن لا يتعلم من أخطائة لا ينجح أبدا

Everyone makes mistakes, but most of us do not know how to take advantage of / benefit from our various mistakes.
Learning from mistakes is a skill that we must all learn. The person who does not learn from mistakes never succeeds.

5. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. What does David Latimer give to his plant every day?

A some water

B food and water

C old leaves

D nothing

2. When did David Latimer last open the glass bottle?

A 1960

B 50 years ago

C 1972

D last year

3. What does the plant need from outside the bottle?

A light

B water

C oxygen

D leaves

4. In the future, this plant will .........

A not grow in space

B be a sustainable food source

C stop growing

D cause pollution

5. How was the plant able to live inside the glass bottle?

The plant produces oxygen, which also puts water into the air. This means that the plant can use the water to survive. The plant’s food source is its old leaves, which the water in the bottle helps to recycle.

6. Why are scientists interested in this plant?

Because they think we will be able to learn important lessons about using plants like this in space.

7. How might plants like this help people in space?

Plants like this will be a sustainable food source, and they will also help to take pollution from the air of a spaceship.