Practice Exercises 2

1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. CPR is a famous ........

A abbreviation

B acronym

C word

D punctuation

2. Ali ....... what the teacher said and did the wrong homework last night.

A misunderstood

B deceived

C ruined

D fell out with

3. They have just ...... the timetable, so we know these train times are correct.

A deleted

B got into

C solved

D updated

4. Mr Omar is a ....... man. He always gives us the right advice.

A well-known

B wise

C wealthy

D wild

5. I didn’t know you were in my city yesterday, you ....... me!

A could phone

B should have phoned

C should phone

D would have phoned

6. The teacher told the students ....... their books at page 150.

A to open

B open

C you open

D opening

7. I ....... send the report to the General Manager; he needed it urgently.

A mustn't

B don't have to

C had to

D didn't have to

8. My brother would have been a doctor if he ........ his exams.

A passed

B would pass

C had passed

D pass

9. ........ are used to express emotions in electronic messages.

A Abbreviations

B Emojis

C Keys

D Symbols

10. I wish I ........ that food yesterday; I got very sick from it.

A had eaten

B didn’t eat

C hadn’t eaten

D won’t eat

11. Don’t ........ files from the internet unless you are sure they are safe.

A upload

B download

C overload

D load

12. I’m so sorry; if I ....... free time, I’d have met you yesterday.

A had had

B had been

C would have

D hadn’t had

13. Samir is very busy. He has an enormous ........ of papers on his desk.

A bell

B bill

C pile

D ball

14. The airline ....... postpone the flight to Rome yesterday because of the bad weather conditions.

A has to

B had to

C doesn’t have to

D didn’t have to

15. He ...... me to help him because he was in trouble.

A begged

B made

C apologised

D insisted

16. They are happy; they ...... be having a nice time.

A are meaning to

B supposed to

C seem to

D won’t

2. Choose the correct answers.

If it 1 can/was not for technology, language 2 have/would probably be very different today. New inventions 3 meant/seem to get their names from old words, or from the innovator who made them.
For example, if you ask for a biro, someone 4 would/will give you a type of pen that gets its name from Laszlo Biro, who invented it.
5 Do/If you want to clean the carpet, you might hoover it.
And the verb hoover also comes from an innovator, William Hoover. So, if you must have your name on an important product, 6 became/become an innovator!

3. Translate the following into Arabic.

All over the world, a lot of people are interested in using different means of communication. These means enable them to do various tasks as quickly as they can.

يهتم الكثير من الناس في جميع انحاء العالم باستخدام وسائل اتصال مختلفة هذه الوسائل تمكنهم من القيام بمهام مختلفة بأسرع ما يمكن

4. Translate the following into English.

لقد تأثر سوق العمل والاقتصاد العالمي كثيراً في كل أنحاء العالم بجائحة كورونا، حيث تضررت العمالة اليومية وظهرت العديد من الوظائف التي تُؤدى من البيت وانتشر التسوق عبر الإنترنت

The labor market and the global economy have been greatly affected all over the world by the Corona pandemic. The daily workforce has been affected, many jobs that can be done from home have appeared and internet shopping has spread.

5. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. Why didn’t Hesham and the writer keep in touch with Adam?

A They fell out with him.

C He lived in a different country.

B He went to a different school.

D He spoke a different language.

2. What did the writer first think of the guidebook his cousin gave him?

A It seemed to be good.

C It was very old.

B He did not trust it.

D It was new and reliable.

3. Why did the writer and Hesham not visit some parts of Athens?

A Adam ordered them not to go there.

C The guidebook did not recommend them.

B The Olympic Games were happening.

D They did not have time.

4. How did they get information to travel around the islands?

A from an online guide

C from a guide that Adam wrote

B from an book

D from a man who knew the islands

5. What had changed in Athens since 2003?

A lot of changes had been made to the city for the 2004 Olympic Games, and areas that had not been very interesting in 2003 became very interesting after they were improved.

6. What do you think the word 'hazardous' in the text means?

It means dangerous.

7. What do you think the writer learnt from his trip to Greece?

He learnt that he should use an up-to-date guide.