Lesson 1


1. Work in pairs. Read the advert for volunteer conservation projects quickly. Which of the projects (A-C) should you choose if you …

1. want to learn about a native communities’ culture? c
2. want to help to fight pollution? a
3. want to spend time with animals? b

2. Read the advert again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F).

1. In New Zealand, you’ll help to protect trees and plants that can only be found there. T
2. In New Zealand you can help to ensure that local people won’t leave waste on the beach. F. In New Zealand, you can clean beaches and help to run recycling centers where local people can bring their waste.
3. The aim of the project in Thailand is to help elephants be healthy again. T
4. The elephants that you can help in Thailand have to work in the tourist industry. F. The elephants that you can help in Thailand start new lives in the forest.
5. In Brazil, you can help local people to preserve the rainforests they live in. F. In Brazil, you can help local people to preserve their languages in digital form for future generations.
6. There is money available to help you pay for the trip to Brazil. T


4. Work in pairs. Complete the mind-map with the possible benefits and problems of conservation volunteer trips.

lesson 1(18)

The cost:

Pro: the money can help the local community.

Con: can be expensive for the volunteer compared to a normal holiday.

The volunteers:

Pros: form a new world view; gain a new skill; very rewarding; meet like-minded people; integrate with local culture.

Cons: work means work and is very serious; need to stick to your commitment; miss home!

The environment:

Pro: help the local community or area.

Con: it may mean that local people don't get the jobs.