Lesson 2


1. Listen to a news report about conservation on the Red Sea Coast in Egypt. Have the changes been a success? How do you know? Discuss your answers with a partner.

The changes have been a success.

There aren't so many divers on the coral reefs; Divers are giving money to projects that protect the environment; There is more land available for houses and apartment buildings for local people and they are happier to see tourists in their town.

2. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. When did people realise that tourism was causing a problem for the town? A few years ago.
2. Before the new rule, how many divers were usually allowed to dive to one reef in the summer months? Ten.
3. What is the money that divers pay used for? To pay for projects that protect the environment / conservation projects.
4. What buildings were removed to make space for hotels? Facilities for local people, for example sports fields, cafes and cinemas.
5. How do local people feel about tourism in their town now? why? (They feel) A lot happier about it than they used to, because now they realise that the tourists can help local businesses.


3. Read the statements. Write P (Past) for the statements about what happened in the past and N (Now) for the statements about what is happening today.

1. Too many tourists used to visit one reef at the same time. P
2. There are rules about how many divers can visit a reef at the same time. N
3. Divers didn’t use to pay money to support local conservation projects. P
4. Divers pay a small amount of money to support local conservation projects. N
5. Building hotels used to be more important than keeping facilities for local people. P
6. There are rules about how much land hotel companies can build on. N

5. Read about each situation in the past and now. Complete the sentences comparing the past and the present.

Situation 1:
In the past: Students left rubbish in the school grounds every day.
Now: Students tidy up the rubbish and keep the school grounds clean.

1. Students used to leave rubbish, but now they tidy up and keep the school clean.

Situation 2:
In the past: Students had homework every week.
Now: Students have homework every day.

2. Students used to have homework every week, but now they have homework every day.

Situation 3:
In the past: Students spent a lot of time at the park.
Now: Students spend a lot of time at the new shopping centre.

3. Students would/used to spend a lot of time at the park, but now they spend alot of time at the new shopping centre.

Situation 4:
In the past: Students played football after school.
Now: They choose sports they’re interested in.

4. Students used to play football after school, but now they choose sports they're interested in.