Lesson 5


1. Circle the incorrect word.

Today, I'm going to give / do / speak a speech about the environment.

Reading and listening

2. Complete the speech with these expressions.


(1) Today, I'm going to talk about plants in the house. Not everyone has them, but I think you should! (2) I'd like to start by saying that plants are very good for your health. (3) To begin with plants breathe out oxygen, which is a gas that we need to breathe. Also, plants often absorb pollution in the air, making it cleaner for us. (4) In the next part of my speech I’d like to talk about where to put your plants. Some plants smell nice, so I put these in my balcony. And you can eat the leaves of plants called herbs, so put these in your kitchen! Spider plants look attractive, so I put them in an open place, like the living room' (5) I'd like to finish by saying that it is best to choose plants that grow naturally in Egypt. They will look better in your house since they will look familiar. Plants that grow naturally in Egypt are easier to take care of.

4. Now answer the questions.

1. In what two ways does the speaker say that plants in the house are good for your health? They breathe out oxygen and they absorb pollution in the air.

2 .Why does the speaker put herbs in the kitchen? Because you can eat the leaves.

3. Why does the speaker put spider plants in the living room? Because they look attractive.

4. What two reasons are there for choosing plants from Egypt? They are easier to take care of and they don't have to travel a long way. / they look better in your house.