Lesson 6


1. Choose the correct words.

1. One of the reasons we are having more floods is because / why a lot of the world's ice is melting.
2. Coral reefs do not like changes in temperature. That is why / because climate change can kill them.
3. More than 70% of the Earth is ocean. Nevertheless, / That is because we know more about the moon than we do about many of our oceans.
4. Rainforests are very important for the environment. Nevertheless, / That is because their trees absorb a lot of carbon dioxide.
5. WorldWetland Day in February reminds people how important wetlands are for the environment. However, / That is why we are losing a lot of this land every year.

2. Match to make sentences about habitats.

1. You can see all kinds of d. colourful fish at coral reefs.
2. You should choose to c. wear the correct clothes when you visit wetlands.
3. It is best to avoid b. swimming in the ocean when it is cold or windy.
4. In the rainforest, you need a. to be careful of dangerous snakes.

3. Now complete these sentences about visiting the desert with a suitable verb + to or -ing.

1. Many tourists enjoy walking in the desert.
2. In the desert, you need to wear the correct clothes.
3. Make sure that you keep drinking lots of water.
4. You should avoid staying in the sun for too long.
5. Some people want to travel on camels.