Lesson 2


1. Answer the questions.

1. Which of these is not a crop: potatoes, oranges, fields? fields.
2. If we have rising sea levels, is the sea getting higher or lower? It is getting higher.
3. Do you find mangrove trees by the sea or in the desert? You find them by the sea.
4. Is a seedling larger or smaller than a seed? It is larger.


2. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. If there are more mangrove trees along the coast, there would be fewer floods. were
2. If we had more money, we can buy that new phone in the shop window. could
3. What will you do if you got a job in a different city? would
4. Tarek would pass the test if he studies harder. studied
5. What clothes would you wear if you would live in a cold country? lived

3. Match to make sentences.

1. The volleyball team would win the match d. if they had better players.

2. I would write to Nahla more often e. if I knew her address.

3. More people would use that shop a. if it was open for longer.

4. The children would sleep better b. if they stopped playing computer games in the evening.

5. We could visit our cousins more often c. if they didn't live in Canada.