Lesson 4


1. Match to make phrases.

1. air b. conditioning
2. computer c. mouse
3. electric d. car
4. rechargeable e. battery
5. remote a. control

2. Answer the questions using the phrases from Exercise 1.

1. Which of these can you use to charge a phone? rechargeable battery
2. Which of these do you use to move around your computer screen? computer mouse
3. Which of these might you use to travel from one place to another? electric car
4. Which of these do you use to control your television? remote control
5. Which of these do you use to keep your house cool in summer? air conditioning


3. Listen to the conversation about energy use in the house. Choose the correct answers.

1. Injy is looking at a ........ .

a. diagram

b. project

c. book

d. house

2. The things that use the most electricity in a home are ........ .

a. air conditioning

b. air conditioning and hot water

c. hot water

d. air conditioning and heating

3. Hot water uses about ........ of the home's electricity.

a. 5%

b. 15%

c. 50%

d. 55%

4. Things in the kitchen ........ electricity.

a. use a lot of

b. use the second most

c. don't use much

d. don't use any

5. If Injy wanted to save electricity, she would turn off ........ .

a. the lights

b. the television

c. the computer

d. the fridge