Lesson 1


Find these items in the photos. Who can finish first?


a. sunglasses, belt, handbag, earrings.
b. belt, trainers.
c. headscarf.
d. galabeya, sandals, headscarf.


What type of material is best for a hot climate?



Look through the unit. Why is Egypt good for growing cotton?

The climate is perfect for growing cotton.


2. Listen to four people talking about their clothes. Match the people with the photos on page 34.

1. Huda: Photo a

2. Tarek: Photo d

3. Sara: Photo c

4. Adam: Photo b

3. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. How does Huda like to feel in her clothes? Comfortable and relaxed.

2. Who gave Huda her sunglasses? Her mother.

3. When does Tarek wear this type of clothes? When he is helping his father outside.

4. Why does Tarek wear these clothes? They keep him cool and protect him from the sun.

5. Where did Sara buy her headscarf? She bought it at the market.

6. What does Sara say about the colour of her headscarf? It is a cool colour.

7. Why is Adam wearing these clothes? Because he is going for a special meal with his grandparents.

8. Who does Adam think he looks like? His father (when he’s going to work).