Lesson 4


1. Read the article. Did the Ancient Egyptians make the same types of material as now?

No, they made linen.

2. Look at the words in bold in the text. Match the words and the definitions.

1. not hard to touch soft.
2. expensive and good quality luxury.
3. (flowers or fruit) broken off a plant picked.
4. a large amount of plants that are grown to be sold crops.
5. something produced by a scientific process chemicals.
6. as good as it is possible to be perfect.
7. a business making things to sell industry.
8. the people and things around you in your life environment.

3. Read the article again and match paragraphs 1-4 with the headings a-d.

a. Modern cotton 2

b. A greener future 4

c. Linen in the past 1

d. Why cotton is grown in Egypt 3


4. Discuss these questions in groups.

1. Can you think of any ways that cotton farmers can do to protect the environment and use less water? Farmers could use fewer chemicals on their land and use recycled water.
2. What other industries are important to Egypt? The oil industry, car making, textiles, construction, chemicals, pharmaceuticals (medicines).
3. Do you think it is important for businesses to help the environment?Why? Yes, because it is important not to create pollution. Businesses should help the world stay green.