Lesson 3


1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Fresh fruit is not very ....

a. nice

b. old

c. good

d. healthy

2. Which of these is not a dairy product?

a. milk

b. cheese

c. rice

d. butter

3. Which of these is bad for your teeth?

a. sugar

b. salt

c. eggs

d. vegetables

4. Which of these types of food doesn't have much protein?

a. meat

b. nuts

c. fish

d. apples

5. Which of these do you use to make an omelette?

a. sugar

b. rice

c. eggs

d. chocolate

2. Answer the questions.

1. What can you beat, butter or tomatoes? butter

2. What can you pour, water or fruit? water

3. What can you chop, meat or milk? meat

4. What can you fry, ice cream or eggs? eggs

3. Match to make sentences.

1. I will pour some tea c. into your cup.
2. When the water is very hot, d. it starts to boil.
3. Heat some oil in a. a pan.
4. Use a knife to e. chop the vegetables.
5. You need to beat eggs and milk b. before you make an omelette.

4. Circle the correct words in the recipe.

How to make foulmudammas

1. Wash / Pour some beans and put them in a pan.
2. Fry / Add some water and salt to the beans.
3. Beat / Heat the beans in the water until it boils.
4. Pour / Chop some lemon juice over the hot beans.
5. Serve / Add it with warm bread.