Lesson 2


1. Match the objects with the materials they are usually made of.

1. sheet c. linen
2. shirt d. cotton
3. necklace a. gold
4. boots b. leather
5. sunglasses f. plastic
6. jumper e. wool


2. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.

1. Mr and Mrs Osman live in a ... flat in Aswan.

a. big, old, traditional

b. old, big, traditional

c. traditional, old, big

2. Hoda's father has bought a ... car.

a. red, new, electric

b. new, red, electric

c. electric, new, red

3. I love wearing my .... galabeya, because it is very cool in the summer.

a. cotton, long, loose

b. long, cotton, loose

c. long, loose, cotton

4. We went to the island in a ... boat.

a. wooden, long, old

b. long, old, wooden

c. old, wooden, long

5. The American tourists were wearing ... sunglasses.

a. big, red, plastic

b. red, plastic, big

c. big, plastic, red

3. Describe the things in the pictures using the words in brackets.

1. (long, plastic, striped) It’s a long, striped, plastic snake.

2. (beautiful, black, long) It’s a beautiful, long, black car.

3. (brown, leather, old) They’re old, brown, leather boots.