Lesson 6


1. Complete the table with these words.


object material adjective
chest of drawers leather cool
handbag linen fantastic
headphones metal old
jacket plastic striped
tool wooden Useful


2. Read the advert. Which of the objects in Exercise 1 is it trying to sell?

I’m selling a cool, old wooden chest of drawers. It was made in 1910 for my great-grandfather! It’s large and perfect for keeping things in, but we have moved house and our new home is too small for it. If you are interested, email me and we can discuss the price.

3. Read and correct the underlined words in this advert.

Would you like to (1) by areally useful tool? I'm sellinga nice strong (2) ones that you can use in the garden. It is made of metal with (3) wool at the top. It's perfect for people who want to grow vegetables - and the price is not (4) luxury. it’s very cheap! Emailmeif you are interested.

1. buy

2. one

3. wood

4. expensive