Lesson 1


1. Complete the sentences with these words.


1. I listen carefully to my teacher and take notes.
2. Learners study science three times a week during the school term.
3. This computer is very slow. I think we need someone to repair it.
4. It was mostly cloudy today. There wasn't much sun.


2. What sort of learners are the following? Choose the correct words.

1. Habiba likes summarising a text. For example, if a text is 100 words long, she writes a summary in about 15-20 words. Habiba learns best by doing things / writing.

2. Fares remembers things easily. I showed him a map of how to walk to my house yesterday. He says he can see the map in his head today! Fares learns by listening / seeing things.

3. For Dareen, the best way to remember English grammar is to make up I a song about it! Then she sings the song quietly to herself. She says it is a great way to remember irregular verbs! Dareen learns best by listening / reading and writing.

4. Marwan finds it difficult to understand science books, but when he does an experiment in the laboratory, he always understands what is happening! Marwan learns best by doing things / listening.