Lesson 4


1. Complete the crossword.


1. a way of speaking used in one area. dialect

3. of a whole country. national

5. a good thing about something. advantage

6. a person who knows a lot about a subject. expert

7. able tospeak many languages. multilingual


2. bring people together, join. connect

4. the tthingI that makes you different to other people. identity


2. Complete the text with the correct form of the words from Exercise 1 (there is one word you do not need).

The languages of Switzerland

Switzerland is a small European country. Here, you do not need to be an (1) expert to speak many languages. That is because nearly all people in Switzerland are (2) multilingual: they speak the country’s four (3) national languages. That is because each area of Switzerland has always had its own (4) identity and its own language. The parts of SwUzerland near Italy speak Italian, the parts near Germany speak German and the parts near France speak French. In the southwest of Switzerland, they also speak a (5) dialect called Romansh. Each language (6) connects the people with their area, but they are also very proud of their country.


3. Answer the questions.

1. What is the national language of Egypt? Arabic.