Lesson 5


1. Reorder the words to make expressions.

1. he'll / I hope / soon. / be better

I hope he’ll be better soon.

2. Injy! / done / Well

Well done Injy!

3. that you / a pity / can't come. / It's

It’s a pity that you can’t come.

2. Match to make expressions for responding to news.

1. I'm sorry to, d. hear that.

2. That must, f. be difficult.

3. I'm so happy, e. for you

4. It's a, c. pity that she didn't go.

5. Don't worry, b. I'm sure she'll be better soon.

6. that's, a. great news.

3. Now complete the dialogue with the expressions from Exercise 2.

Dalida: My mother didn't go to work today because she is ill.

Heba: I'm sorry to hear that.

Dalida: She had an interview at the bank for a new job. But she couldn't go.

Heba: It's a pity that she didn’t go.

Dalida: She did the interview online from her bed.

Heba: That must be difficult.

Dalida: Yes, but she got the job.

Heba: That’s great news. I'm so happy for her.

Dalida: She is still not feeling very well.

Heba: Don't worry, I’m sure she’ll be better soon.