Lesson 7


1. Circle the correct words.

1. your father can park / put the car in this road, it is very quiet.

2. Fatma is blind / deaf, so she cannot hear you.

3. Please make / take sure that you write your emails carefully.

4. The nurse works on the word / ward for children.

5. This is a photo of my parent's married / wedding.

2. What do these people usually do? What are they doing now?


1. The pilot usually flies planes. Now, he is speaking on the phone.

2. The footballer usually plays football. Now, he is talking to a journalist.

3. The computer engineer usually repairs computers. Now, he is having/drinking a cup of tea.

4 The teacher usually teaches her students. Now, she is watching them acting a play.

3. Tick the correct description of the photo.


Picture a