Lesson 3


1. Match the phrases to the definitions. Listen and check.

1. bring back, c. make you remember
2. fall out, f. stop being friendly
3. get into, e. start enjoying
4. get on with, a. be friendly with
5. hang out with, d. spend time with
6. keep in touch with, b. continue to communicate with
7. lose touch, g. stop communicating


2. Listen to Tarek’s story and put the events in the correct order.

2 Tarek started talking to his friends on social media.

3 Tarek’s friends started falling out with each other online.

1 In the evening, Tarek played with his brothers and talked with his family.

4 Tarek felt sorry about what he did.

3. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.

1. Tarek’s school friends weren’t interested in social media. F, He started using social media to talk to his friends.

2. Tarek didn’t like chatting online. F, He liked chatting online for hours.

3. Tarek saw his grandparents sometimes. T

4. Tarek’s friends started to argue with each other. T

5. Tarek regrets the way he treated his school friends. F, He regrets the way he treated his family.

6. Tarek thinks he can change what happened. F, He wishes he could change what happened.

7. Tarek’s story is unusual. F, This kind of thing happens very often.


5. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and think of the wishes and regrets that each person has. Use the prompts from Exercise 4 to help you.

If I had left home earlier, I would not have missed the train

I wish that I had got up earlier.

I should have checked the train times.

If I had been more careful, I wouldn’t have spilt the coffee.

I wish I hadn’t held the coffee cup near the keyboard.

I shouldn’t have drunk coffee while I was using the computer.