Lesson 3


1. Read the three study tips. Match the headings to the correct tips.

a Draw mind maps
b Create a study system with colours
c Make a study plan before you start studying

TIP 1: Make a study plan before you start studying
Start by thinking what you need to learn. For example, if you need to study for a Maths exam, make a list of all the topics you need to know.
Then, decide how much time you’ll need to learn about each one. Finally, decide which topics are the most important and plan to spend more time on these.

TIP 2: Draw mind maps
This is a creative way of bringing information about a topic together in one place.
You start by writing the topic in the centre of the page and then draw lines from the centre.
At the end of each line, you write a different part of the topic and make short notes about it.
You could even use pictures instead of text in your mind map too.

TIP 3: Create a study system with colours
For example, if you write the most important points about a topic on cards, you could use the same colour cards for similar topics.
This will help you to find information more quickly.
You could also get some different coloured pens and highlight different types of words (verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc.) in different colours.

2. Read the study tips again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

The writer says …
1. You should identify specific things you need to learn about. T

2. It isn’t important to decide which topics you need to concentrate on. F

3. Mind maps help you to put information about different topics in one place. F

4. You can draw pictures instead of writing words on a mind map if you want to. T

5. You can use cards to summarise important information. T

6. You should make all the words on a card the same colour. F