Lesson 4


1. Read the email, then answer the questions.

1. How does Iman know Monica?

They work together.

2. Why did Iman write to Monica?

Because she didn’t understand something that her colleague explained to her, and she wanted to check her understanding of it.

3. What does Iman not understand?

Iman isn’t sure how to give a presentation in a meeting.

2. Work in pairs. Read the email again. Match the questions to the correct answers.

1. How does Iman start the email? d

2. Which phrase tells you that Iman understood some of Monica’s explanation? b

3. Iman uses the phrase ‘It sounds like ...’ to introduce an explanation of what? f

4. After she’s given this explanation, Iman asks a question in order to do what? c

5. What does Iman suggest that they could do if she hasn’t understood correctly? e

6. What two things does Iman say at the end of the email? a