Lesson 2


2. Read the report again. Answer the questions.

1. Why did the researcher decide to do this study?

They wanted to ind out which situations make students more productive.

2. What is the central idea of the report?

The central idea of the report is to ind out what situations increase students’ productivity.

3. What data did the researcher use to draw his conclusions?

The researcher used data from the diaries that students kept (about their experiences).

4. When and how often did the researcher ask the students to change the way they study?

The researcher asked the students to change the way they study at the start of the irst month and then at the start of every month for the next six months.

5. What way of studying helped some students to be more productive, but made it more difficult for other students?

Studying with other students helped some students to be more productive but made it more dificult for some other students.

3. Read these sentences from the report. Underline the phrases which show cause and effect. Then write C (cause) or E (effect).

1. The aim was to find which situations led to an increase in the students’ productivity levels. C

2. We wanted to find out what effect this change would have on the students’ productivity. C

3. We then repeated this process at the start of every month for the rest of the study to look at the effects of varying study habits. E

4. Our analysis of the students’ diaries resulted in some interesting conclusions. E


4. Listen to a question and answer session with the researcher who wrote the report.
Match the questions with the summaries of the researcher’s answers.

1 Do you think you would get the same results with younger students? b

2 Did you have any situations where a student really didn’t want to make the changes that you asked them to make? a

3 I wanted to know if the students in the study allowed you to share their diaries with other researchers. c


5. Listen again and complete the verb patterns with the correct verbs.


a let / make someone do something someone do something

b stop someone from doing something someone from doing something

c allow someone to do something someone to do something