Lesson 4


1. Magdy changed the way he studies because he wanted to raise his productivity levels.
He wrote about his experiences a week later. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. Which three changes did Magdy make?

Magdy tried dividing his study time into twenty-ive minute periods with breaks between them, doing the most dificult task irst, and making a study plan.

2. Which change was very helpful?

Doing the most dificult task irst.

3. Which change helped him most?

Making a study plan.

4. Which change didn’t help him at all?

Dividing his study time into twenty-ive minute blocks with breaks between them.

2. Look at the underlined phrases in the text.
Write the phrases next to their function.

1. Describing what you did

I kept going with it.

2. Talking about your experiences from your position now

looking back.

3. Describing the negative effects

the big drawback for me.

4. Describing the positive effects

I made a better job of, I can understand the logic of doing this

5. Saying how helpful it was

This definitely had a positive impact on, I was surprised by what a big difference the study plan made.