Revision 1

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. We think that the person who won the quiz is a ............... . He looked up the answers online, which was not allowed.

A. chat

B. bias

C. cheat

D. spin

2. You must be ............... of yourself; you have made a silly mistake!

A. proud

B. pleased

C. afraid

D. ashamed

3. The ............... of some planets in our solar system is rocky.

A. impact

B. face

C. scar

D. surface

4. It is a ............... to think that women always do housework.

A. prejudice

B. stereotype

C. type

D. incident

5. What is the best ............... for a headache?

A. cause

B. treatment

C. illness

D. surgeon

6. People who leak books and join in ............... are punished for their crime.

A. piracy

B. pirates

C. cheat

D. chat

7. While I ............... dinner, someone knocked on the door.

A. had

B. was having

C. did have

D. am having

8. Doctors keep the health ............... of all their patients, so they know what illnesses they have had in the past.

A. paper

B. records

C. placements

D. figures

9. After he had examined the athlete, the doctor ............... him permission to join the competition.

A. gave

B. given

C. had given

D. gives

10. The train ............... before we arrived at the station.

A. had left

B. has left

C. was leaving

D. will leave

11. Mr Ali ............... at a shop for ten years before he got a job at the bank.

A. has worked

B. is working

C. will have been working

D. had been working

12. The bridge over the valley is built on a ............... scale than the one over the river.

A. big

B. bigger

C. biggest

D. the biggest

13. When the bus plunged off the bridge, it was the ............... experience of my life. We were lucky that nobody was hurt.

A. most shocking

B. shocking

C. more shocking

D. less shocking

14. For the next year, Ahmed ............... on an engineering project in Alexandria.

A. was working

B. will have worked

C. will be working

D. had been working

15. By 2050, I think that astronomers ............... new planets outside our solar system.

A. will have found

B. find

C. have found

D. are finding

16. We won’t be able to live on Mars until we ............... enough water there.

A. will find

B. have found

C. will be finding

D. found

17. I felt really sick ............... the party, so I went home.

A. While

B. when

C. during

D. on

18. She has made a great contribution to social work in her neighbourhood. Contribution here is a synonym for ............... .

A. deprivation

B. donation

C. estimation

D. relation

19. My brother was finally ............... that he had been selected for the new position as Sales Manager.

A. asked

B. said

C. informed

D. ordered

20. You should ............... your foot in ice-cold water to reduce the swelling.

A. appear

B. float

C. inverse

D. immerse

21. This is the most difficult situation I ............... .

A. had ever been faced

B. have ever faced

C. had ever faced

D. have ever been faced

22. Which of the following is punctuated correctly? ............... .

A. The teacher said, You must follow school rules, Hatem.”

B. The teacher said, “You must follow school rules, Hatem”.

C. The teacher said “You must follow school rules, Hatem.”

D. The teacher said, “You must follow school rules, Hatem.”

23. Pollution has a serious effect on our health. However, a lot of people are still ignorant of the importance of keeping the environment clean. This shows ............... in ideas.

A. addition

B. contrast

C. possibility

D. reason

24. In a hook sentence, you need to ............... .

A. sum up your essay by briefly revisiting the information covered.

B. grab the reader’s attention to read the essay.

C. support, explain, illustrate, or provide evidence for the idea expressed in the topic sentence.

D. analyze two points of view by either comparing them, contrasting them, or both.

Read the text and answer the questions.

25. What was Hatshepsut’s main contribution to ancient Egypt?

A. She had statues built.

B. She brought peace and wealth to the country.

C. She helped women become pharaohs.

D. She was a female stereotype.

26. Which of the following do we not learn about Punt from the text?

A. Many trees grew there.

B. People hunted animals there.

C. It was a rich country.

D. It had many wars with ancient Egypt.

27. How could Hatshepsut afford to build so much during her rule?

A. She improved trade with other countries.

B. She won wars with other countries.

C. She planted trees from other countries.

D. She had many statues made of herself.

28. What do we know about the statues that were made of Hatshepsut?

A. They are unusual.

B. They are in a style that people expect.

C. They are more impressive than other statues.

D. They are in a very unpopular style.

29. Why you think many of ancient Egypt’s older monuments had been damaged before Hatshepsut’s rule?

Because of war, people didn’t have the time or money to care for art.

30. In what ways is Hatshepsut a good role model for women today?

She breaks stereotypes about women’s ability to rule and encourages women to pursue leadership positions.

31. According to the article, gold, valuable stones and animals were ............... .

A. finally kept in Punt

B. sold to African countries

C. brought to Egypt

D. restored before the reign of Hatshepsut.

32. People consider Deir el-Bahri one of the wonders of the ancient world. Wonders is similar in meaning to ............... .

A. obstacles

B. myths

C. marvels

D. superstitions

33. Which of the following is incorrect according to the passage?

A .Not many women had become pharaohs of ancient Egypt before Hatshepsut.

B. Hatshepsut improved trade with other countries, built many amazing buildings and made wars with others during her reign.

C. We can see the statues made for Hatshepsut in many of the world’s greatest museums today.

D. Thutmose III was Hatshepsut’s stepson.

34. We can see the mummy of Hatshepsut ............... .

A. at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation

B. in East of Africa

C. in the temples at Beni Hassan

D. at a museum in Punt

35. Trade with other countries ............... during Hatshepsut’s rule.

A. flourished

B. declined

C. stopped

D. was the same as

36. According to the article, which of the following gives incorrect information?

A. During the reign of Hatshepsut, foreign trees were planted in Egypt.

B. Hatshepsut had older monuments repaired.

C. Hatshepsut ruled Egypt for more than twenty years.

D. Today, people consider the Thutmoside style of making statues as a typical modern one.

37. Hatshepsut ............... during her reign.

A. had a lot of amazing buildings built

B. brought wealth to the country

C. achieved peace

D. all of the above

Read the sentences and choose the correct translation from A, B, C or D.

38. Innovation is endless. The more man seeks progress and welfare, the more he invents things that make life easier. However, do you think all inventions don’t have negative aspects?

A. الابتكار لا نهاية له، فكلما ابتكر الإنسان أشياء تجعل الحياة أسهل، كلما سعى إلى التقدم والرفاهية، ومع ذلك، هل تعتقد أن كل الاختراعات ليست لها جوانب إيجابية؟
B. الابتكار لا نهاية له، فكلما سعى الإنسان إلى التقدم والتطور، كلما اشترى أشياء تجعل الحياة أسهل. ولذلك، هل تعتقد أن كل الاختراعات ليست لها جوانب سلبية؟
C. الابتكار لا نهاية له، فكلما سعى الإنسان إلى التقدم والرفاهية، كلما ابتكر أشياء تجعل الحياة أسهل. ومع ذلك، هل تعتقد أن كل الاختراعات ليست لها جوانب سلبية؟
D. الرفاهية لا نهاية لها، فكلما سعى الإنسان إلى التقدم والرفاهية، كلما ابتكر أشياء تجعل الحياة أسرع. ومع ذلك، هل تعتقد أن الرفاهية ليست لها جوانب سلبية؟

39. Women have played a pivotal role in the renaissance of ancient and modern societies. Through this role, they demonstrated their ability to achieve positive change in those societies.

A. لقد أظهرت المرأة دورًا محوريًّا في نهضة المجتمعات القديمة والحديثة، واستعرضت في تلك الفترة قدرتها على تحقيق التغيير النسبي في تلك المجتمعات.
B. لقد لعبت المرأة دورًا محوريًّا في بناء المجتمعات القديمة والحديثة، وأظهرت من خلال هذا الدور رغبتها في تحقيق التغيير الإيجابي في تلك المجتمعات.
C. لقد لعبت المرأة دورًّا عاديا في نهضة المجتمعات القديمة والحديثة، وأظهرت من خلال هذا الدور قدرتها على تحقيق التغيير الإيجابي في تلك الحضارات.
D. لقد لعبت المرأة دورًا محوريًّا في نهضة المجتمعات القديمة والحديثة، وأظهرت من خلال هذا الدور قدرتها على تحقيق التغيير الإيجابي في تلك المجتمعات.

40. من المتوقع أن تتوقف طباعة الصحف في العقود القليلة القادمة. سنقرأ الأخبار عبر الإنترنت، لذلك سنحتاج إلى معرفة المزيد عن المواقع الإلكترونية الجديدة التي يمكن أن تعطينا وجهة نظر متوازنة.

A. I n the next few decades, I think that we will have continued printing newspapers. We won’t be reading the news offline, so we will need to know about new books that can give us a balanced point of view.

B. In the next few years, I think that we will have stopped painting newspapers. We will be borrowing the news online, so we will need to know about new websites that can give us a fixed point of view.

C. In the next few decades, it is expected that printing newspapers will have stopped. We will be reading the news online, so we will need to know about new websites that can give us a balanced point of view.

D. In the next few decades, I think that we will have stopped printing newspapers. We will be reading the news online, so we will need to know about new websites that can give us a balanced point of view.

41. يهدف منتدى شباب العالم المُقام فى مصر سنويا إلى الدعم الكامل للشباب، وتحديد كل المشكلات التي تواجهم وحلها للاستفادة بشكل فعال من مهارتهم وإمكانياتهم في تطوير المجتمع وتحقيق التنمية الشاملة.

A. The International Men Forum, which is held in Egypt annually, aims to fully support young people and identify and solve all the problems they face, to effectively benefit from their skills and capabilities in developing society and achieving comprehensive improvement.

B. The World Youth Forum, which is annually held in Egypt, aims to fully support youth and identify and solve the problems they face, to effectively benefit from their skills and capabilities in developing society and achieving comprehensive development.

C. The International Youth Forum, which is held in Egypt annually, seems to fully care for young people and simplify and solve the problems they face to effectively benefit from their skills and capabilities in improving society and achieving comprehensive development.

D. The local Youth Forum, which is held in Egypt annually, aims to fully look for young people and identify and postpone all the problems they face to effectively benefit from their skills and capabilities in developing society and achieving comprehensive development.

42. تهتم الدولة دائما بحماية حقوق الملكية الفكرية للمؤلفين والناشرين, لذا تفرض عقوبة صارمة على القرصنة الفكرية وتسريب الكتب حفاظا على حقوق المنتجين ودورالنشر.

A. The estate is always takes care of protect the intellectual property rights of authors and publishers, so it imposes a strict penalty on intellectual piracy and book leak in order to preserve the rights of producers and publishing homes.

B. The state is always interested in protecting the intellectual property rights of authors and publishers, so it propose a strict penalty on intellectual privacy and book diversion in order to preserve the rights of producers and publishing houses.

C. The state is always interested in protecting the intellectual property rights of authors and publishers, so it imposes a strict penalty on intellectual piracy and book leaking in order to preserve the rights of producers and publishing houses.

D. The estate is always interested in protecting the intellectual liberty rights of authors and publishers, so it imposes a strict penalty on intellectual piracy and book lake in order to preserve the rights of producers and publishing houses.