Revision 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. We should not take .............. on those who harm us. We should respect the law.

A. revenge

B. average

C. care

D. advantage

2. Have you .............. spending the weekend in the country?

A. considered

B. thought

C. decided

D. agreed

3. You could .............. asked me for help if you were feeling so stressed!

A. has

B. having

C. had

D. have

4. Be careful, you must .............. making such mistakes.

A. enjoy

B. avoid

C. refuse

D. intend

5. When you are worried about things, it is best to concentrate on the things you .............. control.

A. would

B. might

C. can

D. have

6. We really need to increase our .............. if we want to meet our objectives.

A. identity

B. facility

C. equality

D. productivity

7. I hope .............. the biology exam; I'm so worried.

A. will pass

B. pass

C. to pass

D. passing

8. Let’s look .............. new ways of working.

A. on

B. into

C. to

D. back

9. My parents .............. me finish my homework before they allow me to watch TV.

A. stop

B. get

C. tell

D. make

10. We .............. our project done last night so now we can relax.

A. get

B. got

C. allow

D. make

11. Can you .............. your screen so I can see what the problem is, please?

A. share

B. mute

C. install

D. join

12. I remember .............. this man in the club a year ago.

A. seeing

B. to see

C. had seen

D. to seeing

13. If I want to catch .............. with my classmates, I need to study a lot this weekend.

A. on

B. up

C. into

D. in

14. Don’t forget .............. off the computer when you’ve finished with it.

A. switching

B. switch

C. to switch

D. to switching

15. The rain .............. us from playing football.

A. let

B. allowed

C. made

D. stopped

16. The students found the test difficult and it led to a .............. in their motivation.

A. produce

B. raise

C. progress

D. decline
17. Mental exhaustion and loss of energy are symptoms of .............. .

A. turnout

B. strikeout

C. cutout

D. burnout

18. What do you plan .............. when you go to Sharm El-Sheikh?

A. to do

B. to doing

C. will do

D. do

19. .............. is how good you feel in your body and how happy you are.

A. Self-care

B. Stress

C. Well-being

D. Mental health

20. I am going to have a new washing machine .............. .

A. made

B. installed

C. instilled

D. done

21. Turn the camera ............... I want to see you; I’ve missed you so much, Mum.

A. down

B. off

C. on

D. up

22. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?

A. Mona, who was the first to offer help, was a volunteer from the UNICEF.

B. Mona who was the first to offer help, was a volunteer from the UNICEF.

C. Mona; who was the first to offer help, was a volunteer from the UNICEF.

D. Mona; who was the first to offer help was a volunteer from the UNICEF.

23. Which of the following sentences is correct to end the following paragraph? We all agree that money is very important in our life. It enables us to lead a better life. We can buy most of what we need and pay for all the services we enjoy. Yet, money can be the root of evil in life if it is used badly. In addition, we can’t buy all things with money; for example, money can’t bring happiness .............. .

A. To sum up, money is the best way to achieve your goals as well as having a more comfortable life.

B. Totally, we can say that money is the cause of our happiness.

C. First of all, we need to know why we need money and how to spend it on doing useful things in life.

D. In conclusion, money is important, but it is not everything in our life. It can’t be a means to get all that you want.

24. Which of these transitions is used to show the result of something:

A. Personally,

B. Whilst

C. Due to

D. Consequently,

Read the text and answer the questions.

25. You should reduce the decisions you make to .............. .

A. juggle several priorities

B. exercise your mind and body

C. avoid bearing responsibilities

D. keep mental health and avoid burnout

26. According to the passage, there are a lot of strategies to ............... .

A. enjoy free time

B. decrease consumption

C. raise productivity

D. imitate successful people

27. It’s essential to prioritise tasks. The antonym of essential is .............. .

A. significant

B. unimportant

C. urgent

D. reliable

28. The main idea of the passage is how to .............. .

A. avoid distraction

B. increase productivity

C. identify a problem.

D. prioritise tasks.

29. The most popular strategy mentioned in the article is .............. .

A. prioritising tasks according to their importance

B. having a “to-do list”

C. avoiding distraction

D. making big decisions

30. According to the article, what is meant by decision fatigue?

A. the state of being unable to make simple decisions

B. difficulty in making a good decision because of the number of decisions one needs to take

C. difficulty in making a good decision because of lack of efficiency

D. the state of being unable to bear responsibility

31. If you are trying to find a solution to a problem, .............. .

A. prioritise tasks

B. postpone dealing with that problem

C. identify the problem and refresh yourself

D. go for a walk and do some sport

32. The underlined word this in the second paragraph refers to .............. .

A. carrying out tasks

B. acting upon useful tips

C. the ability to proritise tasks

D. practising sport

33. According to the passage, what makes your level of concentration better?

A. physical activity

B. deleting minor tasks

C. having a “not to-do list”

D. fresh food

34. Top business people juggle several priorities to .............. big tasks.

A. procrastinate

B. postpone

C. carry out

D. delete

35. According to the passage, a lot of productive people try to ............... .

A. avoid distraction

B. have peace of mind

C. concentrate minor tasks

D. avoid ordinary tips

Read the sentences and choose the correct translation from A, B, C or D.

36. A lot of people worked from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many employees say this has increased their efficiency and saved time and effort.

A. عمل الكثير من الناس من المنزل خلال جائحة كوفيد - ١٩ ، ويقول العديد من العلماء إن هذا زاد من رفاهيتهم ووفر الوقت والجهد.
B. عمل الكثير من الناس من المنزل خلال جائحة كوفيد - ١٩ ، ويقول العديد من الموظفين إن هذا زاد من كفاءتهم ووفر الوقت والجهد.
C. عمل الكثير من الناس من المنزل بعد جائحة كوفيد - ١٩ ، ويقول العديد من أصحاب العمل إن هذا زاد من نشاط الموظفين ووفر الوقت والجهد.
D. أقام الكثير من الناس في المنزل خلال جائحة كوفيد - ١٩ ، ويقول القليل من الموظفين إن هذا زاد من كفاءتهم ووفر الوقت والجهد.

37. Productivity is one of the most necessary qualities useful citizens should have. It enables them to share effectively in development projects as well as in most fields of work.

A. تُعتبر الإنتاجية من أهم السمات التي يجب أن يتمتع بها المواطنون الصالحون، فهي تُمكنهم من المشاركة بفعالية في مشروعات التنمية وكذلك في معظم مجالات العمل.
B. تُعتبر الإنتاجية من أهم المؤهلات التي يجب أن يتمتع بها المواطنون الصالحون، فهي تُمكنهم من المشاركة بفعالية في خطط التنمية وكذلك في معظم مجالات العمل.
C. تُعتبر الإنتاجية من أهم السمات التي يجب أن يتمتع بها أي مواطن، فهي تُمكنه من المشاركة بفعالية في مشروعات الاستثمار وكذلك في معظم مجالات العمل.
D. تُعتبر جودة الإنتاج من أهم السمات التي يجب أن يتمتع بها المواطن المصري، فهي تُمكنه من المشاركة بفعالية في مشروعات التنمية وكذلك في معظم مجالات العمل.

38. في رأيي، يجب على المعلمين والوالدين الاهتمام بالصحة العقلية ومهارات إدارة الوقت، وهذه المهارات ضرورية لتعزيز تحصيل الطلاب ومساعدتهم على تحقيق كل طموحاتهم في الحياة.

A. In general, teachers and parents should draw people’s attention to mental health and timemanagement skills. These skills are necessary to enhance students' achievement and help them fulfil all their aspirations in life.

B. In conclusion, teachers and parents should pay attention to healthy food and time-management skills. These skills are necessary to enhance students' achievement and help them attain all their ambitions in life.

C. In my opinion, teachers and parents should pay attention to mental health and time-management skills. These skills are necessary to enhance students' achievement and help them fulfil all their aspirations in life.

D. In my opinion, scientists and parents should pay attention to mental health and time-management scales. These skills are necessary to enhance students' achievement and help them attain all their ambitions in life.

39. تولي الحكومة المصرية اهتمامًا عظيمًا لتحسين معيشة المواطنين في كل أنحاء مصر وخاصة الريف والعشوائيات، وتعتبر مبادرة حياة كريمة خير دليل على ذلك.

A. The Egyptian organisations pay great attention to improving the lives of citizens in all cities of Egypt, especially the countryside and slums, and the Decent Life Initiative is the best proof of that.

B. The Egyptian government pays great intention to improving the lives of employees in all parts of Egypt, especially the countryside and slums, and the experiment for a Decent Life Initiative is the best proof of that.
C. The Egyptian government pays great attention to moving the lives of citizens in upper Egypt, especially the countryside and slums, and the Decent Life Initiative is the best proof of that.

D. The Egyptian government pays great attention to improving the lives of citizens in all parts of Egypt, especially the countryside and slums, and the Decent Life Initiative is the best proof of that.