Lesson 4


3. Read the review again and answer the questions in your notebook.

1. What inspired the writer to visit the museum? He had seen a YouTube video of the Pharoah’s Golden Parade.
2. What did the writer like most about the museum? The mummy section.
3. What helps visitors find their way around the museum? Visitors can follow the direction arrows on the floor.
4. What can you see in the main part of the museum? More than 50,000 artefacts, showing Egyptian civilisation from prehistoric times to the present day.

4. Read again and complete the table with information from the review.

National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation Name of tourist site
Fustat Location
60 LE for Egyptians/ 200 LE for non- Egyptians Cost
9 am to 5 pm Opening times
café Facilities
early morning Best time to visit