Lesson 6

Before you start

Go back and skim the chapter. Discuss the questions in pairs.

1. What happens to make Pip feel sad? Pip discovers that Estella is going to marry Bentley Drummle.
2. What happens to make Pip feel frightened? Pip learns that he, Herbert and Provis are being watched.


1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words from the chapter.

lesson 6(3)

1. After she finished university, she trained to be a lawyer.
2. He bought his own boat because he liked rowing so much.
3. We hadn’t planned to go to the theatre on the same night as my sister; it was just a coincidence.
4. No one guessed they were related because they looked so different.
5. The criminal was told he would go to prison for twenty years.
6. I couldn't stop the tears from falling when it was time to say goodbye for the last time.
7. They knew who had murdered the old man, but they didn’t know how.
8. Five months ago, she was acquitted on the charge of murder.
9. If I’m worried about something, I usually play music to take my mind off it.


2. Complete the gaps with the name of the correct person from the word pool.

In Chapter 10:

1. Pip finds out that Estella is going to marry (Bentley) Drummle.

2. He realizes that Molly may be Estella’s mother.

3. Pip asks Miss Havisham to help Herbert.

4. Pip discovers that Compeyson is following him.

5. Pip goes to watch Wopsle at the theatre.

3. Read again and put the events of Chapter 10 in the correct order.

Pip went to visit Miss Havisham to tell her he knew who his benefactor was. 1
Miss Havisham asked Pip to forgive her. 6
Mr Jaggers, Mr Wemmick and Pip had dinner at Mr Jagger’s house. 5
Pip went to see Provis at the Whimple’s house. 3
Herbert and Pip bought a boat. 4
Pip spent the night in a hotel. 2

4. Answer the questions in your notebook.

1. How did Miss Havisham mislead Pip? Pip thinks that Miss Havisham allowed him to believe she was his benefactor.
2. What does Estella say when Pip tells her he loves her? Estella says she does not share his feelings, and that she has no heart.
3. Why did Pip and Herbert get a boat? They got a boat so that they could use it to escape when they needed to.
4. Who was sitting behind Pip at the theatre? Compeyson was sitting behind Pip at the theatre.
5. What makes Pip think that Molly is Estella’s mother? Pip thinks that Estella looks very much like Molly, and knows Mr Jaggers helped Molly in court.


5. Discuss the questions in pairs.

1. In what ways do Herbert and Wemmick show their loyalty towards Pip? Mr. Wemmick sends a note to Pip warning him not to go home, because Mr. Wemmick had learnt that Pip was being watched and Compeyson was alive.
2. Are you surprised that Miss Havisham seems to feel sorry for Pip? Explain your answer. Mr. Wemmick also warned Herbert that he was being watched, but Herbert supported Pip and would go with him to practice rowing to help Provis escape.