Lesson 1

Before you start

Look at these different words for ‘Hello’. Can you guess what languages they are? Match them with the following languages.

lesson 1(10)

Kaixo (Basque)
Helo (Welsh)
Aloha (Hawaain)
Allillachu (Peruvian Quechua)
Demat ( Breton – France)
Salamu rasmi (Swahili)
Osiyo (Cherokee)


1. Read the article about saving the Welsh language and answer the questions.

1. Why was the Welsh language dying out? Everything was in English; school children were taught in English.
2. What has helped to increase the number of Welsh speakers? Public groups and politician’s are promoting Welsh, Children are being raised to speak Welsh as their first language. Road signs are in Welsh and there are Welsh-language TV channels.

2. Read the article again and answer true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM). Correct the false statements in your notebook.

1. A generation ago, Welsh was the dominant language in Wales. F. Welsh was not the dominant language in Wales.
2. Tony Evans was raised by bilingual parents. [NM]
3. These days most people speak Welsh at home. T
4. All TV programs are in Welsh. F.There are some Welsh-language TV channels; not all of them are in Welsh.
5. Many people in Wales come from multicultural families. [NM]
6. There is more interest in Welsh culture now. T