Revision 3

1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Mrs Soha’s ............ in education started when she got a job at a primary school.

A. interview

B. balance

C. career

D. values

2. Ali has a disability, but he could ............ many different challenges in his life to become successful.

A. overcome

B. aim for

C. achieve

D. jump

3. Good friends often share the same ............ .

A. employer

B. debts

C. valuable

D. values

4. Salma has a ............ job at the museum. She only works at the weekends.

A. full-time

B. part-time

C. part

D. small

5. Hassan is a/an ............ at a computer company. He hopes to get a paid job there in the future.

A. internship

B. intern

C. full-time

D. worker

6. The car factory gives ............ to a lot of people in our area.

A. unemployment

B. employment

C. employer

D. employees

7. We would like to thank Mrs Radwa for her generous ............ to our charity last week.

A. isolation

B. precaution

C. revolution

D. contribution

8. Winning the writing prize was a ............ experience for Walid, who then became a famous author.

A. changing

B. charging

C. life-changing

D. life saving

9. Let’s be quick because we don’t have ............ time.

A. little

B. many

C. much

D. less

10. Fady broke his leg and has to stay in bed, so he ............ a lot of films recently!

A. is watching

B. has been watching

C. was watching

D. will be watching

11. Dina lived in England for many years, so she can speak English ............ .

A. extremely well

B. extremely good

C. very good

D. well extremely

12. Hania ............ all her exams and is going to start at university next month.

A. has passed

B. has been passing

C. passes

D. will be passing

13. Archaeologists found a beautiful old statue, which ............ to a museum in Cairo next week.

A. was taken

B. will take

C. took

D. will be taken

14. On the plane, all small bags should ............ under the seats in front of you.

A. put

B. be put

C. are put

D. to be put

15. It was very sunny and hot, but ............ tourists wore hats or sunglasses.

A. little

B. none

C. few

D. any

16. There’s ............ petrol in the car, so we will be able to drive to our friend’s house.

A. none

B. much

C. a few

D. a little

17. When you are in ............ of doing something, you are responsible for it.

A. debt

B. trouble

C. need

D. charge

18. You need to ............ Mr Adel's meeting tomorrow. Otherwise, he might not come.

A. dismiss

B. confirm

C. achieve

D. crouch

19. Which of the following is structurally correct?

A .He is exhausted because he hadn't been working all day.

B. He was exhausted because he has been working all day.

C. He is exhausted because he has been working all day.

D. He is exhausted because he had worked all day.

20. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?

A. Did you know that our neighbour s son had returned from London on Wednesday, Dalia

B. Did you know that our neighbour s son had returned from London on wednesday, Dalia?

C. Did you know that our neighbour’s son had returned from London on Wednesday, Dalia?

D. Did you know that our neighbour’s son had returned from London on wednesday Dalia?

21. Switzerland is ............ European country where four languages are spoken.

A. an

B. a

C. the

D. no article

22. Which of the following is used for an informal invitation?

A. Let me know if you're coming to the party by tomorrow morning.

B. Please use the following RSVP form to indicate whether you are going to attend the party or not.

C. It is our pleasure to invite you to our annual donation party.

D. We trust you will enjoy it.

23. Our players have played seriously and followed the tactics of the coach ............ Which of the following completions shows result?

A. , but they lost the match.

B. despite losing the match.

C. , so they won the match.

D. as well as winning the match.

24. Which of the following is part of an opinion essay on “People over seventy can still contribute to society”?

A. For example, you need to balance your working hours and the time you assign to your family.

B. From my point of view, older people who remain active are able to contribute to society, making full use of their experience.

C. In conclusion, solving the problem of unemployment is the responsibility of the government as well as all sectors of society.

D. A lot of people believe that the private sector can play a great role in providing work chances for young people.

25. “My heart sank when I heard this news.” The expression “my heart sank” ............ .

A. means that you have the happiest moment in your life.

B. means that you suddenly feel very worried or disappointed.

C. expresses a joyful dream you have just had.

D. expresses a feeling of suspicion at this moment.

2. Read the text and choose the correct answer.

26. Who would receive an email like this?

A. university students

B. students who are going to study at the university

C. students who want to study at the university

D. students who are going to the university open day

27. What do you think the word disciplines means in the context of this email?

A. a university subject

B. a way to punish people who are not successful

C. a type of exam

D. a course for older people

28. There are sinks in ............ at the university.

A. most rooms

B. a few rooms

C. all rooms

D. none of the rooms

29. Learning to respect other students is one of the university’s ............ .

A. courses

B. skills

C. awards

D. values

30. According to the passage, what kind of student is going to study medicine at this university?

A. The students who applied first.

B. The students coming from abroad.

C. The students with the best exam results.

D. The students who pay the university fees only.

31. According to the passage, attending the open day is ............ .

A. allowed for parents

B. a basic term for a student to be accepted

C. not optional

D. not obligatory

32. Those who receive the email are students who ............ .

A. have applied to do a course at the university

B. attended the open day at the university

C. inquire about terms of acceptance

D. are going to apply to do a course at the university

33. Accommodation in line four is a synonym for ............ .

A. evacuation

B. evaluation

C. farming

D. housing

34. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Life-long learning.

B. Learning to respect other students.

C. Accommodation at the university is obligatory for accepted students.

D. Receiving newly accepted students at the university.

35. The underlined word they refers to ............. .

A. the students who have received emails.

B. successful new students.

C. the professors at the university.

D. the students who are going to apply for the course.

3. Read the sentences and choose the correct translation from A, B, C and D.

36. Setting small goals that you will be able to achieve if you work hard can be very motivating and help you to move towards achieving bigger goals.

A. إن تحديد أهداف صغيرة ستتمكن من تحقيقها إذا عملت بجد قد يكون محفزًا للغاية ويساعدك عى المضي قدمًا نحو تحقيق أهداف أكبر.
B. إن تحديد أهداف صغيرة ستتمكن من تحقيقها بمساعدة الآخرين قد يكون محفزًا للغاية ويساعدك عى المضي قدمًا نحو تحقيق أهداف أخرى.
C. إن تحديد أهداف خاصة ستتمكن من تحقيقها إذا عملت بجد قد يكون محفزًا للغاية ويساعدك عى المضي قدمًا نحو تحقيق أهداف عامة.
D. إن تحقيق أهداف كبيرة ستتمكن من تحديدها إذا عملت بجد قد يكون محفزًا للغاية ويساعدك عى المضي قدمًا نحو تحقيق أية أهداف.