Revision 4

Choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D.

1. The Giza Necropolis is a well-known ............. in Egypt.

A. column

B. landmark

C. remains

D. myth

2. Amir is not here now, so he ............ have gone to the museum by himself.

A. must

B. can’t

C. should

D. can

3. It ............ easy for the man to walk last week because he had a broken leg.

A. can’t be

B. should be

C. can’t have been

D. must have been

4. There is a huge ............ which controls the amount of water in the Nile.

A. bridge

B. ferry

C. gateway

D. dam

5. It is highly recommended to ............ young children to learn more than one language; this is very helpful.

A. arise

B. raise

C. rise

D. risk

6. Large cities are usually very ............ as many different nationalities live together.

A. multicultural

B. bilingual

C. mother tongue

D. limited

7. English is one of the most ............ languages in the world, so it’s important to learn to speak it.

A. widely-spoken

B. well-known

C. difficult

D. unfamiliar

8. We can learn a lot from our ............ and we should study our family trees more.

A. identities

B. root

C. ancestors

D. pride

9. Students know much more about the past due ............ the internet.

A. to

B. for

C. in

D. of

10. My grandfather is the person ............ knows most about our family history.

A. where

B. when

C. which

D. who

11. The temple of Karnak, ............ many pillars are very tall, was built over 1,000 years ago.

A. when

B. who

C. whose

D. which

12. What ............ at 7 pm yesterday?

A. are you doing

B. were you doing

C. have you done

D. you were doing

13. If the High Dam didn’t exist, the Nile would ............ a lot of land.

A. help

B. flood

C. pour

D. water

14. I lent Hatim the book which I ............ enjoyed reading: it is really interesting!

A. hadn’t

B. haven’t

C. had

D. have

15. Legends are usually about ............. figures who face dangerous situations.

A. brave

B. humble

C. polite

D. bravely

16. Tourists who come to Egypt are ............. by how huge the Pyramids are.

A. struggled

B. fascinated

C. fed up

D. rescued

17. Choose the correct option to put the sentence into reported speech: My friend said to me, “I don’t know why Ayman has behaved in this strange way”.

A. My friend asked me why Ayman has behaved in that strange way.

B. My friend told me that he doesn’t know why Ayman has behaved in that strange way.

C. My friend told me that he didn’t know why Ayman had behaved in that strange way.

D. My friend told me that he hasn’t known why Ayman had behaved in that strange way.

18. Abu Simbel is two massive rock-cut .............. in the village of Abu Simbel, Aswan Governorate.

A. myths

B. temples

C. hills

D. caves

19. Kamel said to his sister, "I can’t go out with you because I am busy revising for the exam”. Report what Kamel said to his sister.

A. Kamel told his sister that she couldn’t go out with him because she was busy revising for the exam.

B. Kamel told his sister that he would go out with her because he had finished revising for the exam.

C. Kamel told his sister that he couldn’t go out with her because he was busy revising for the exam.

D. Kamel told his sister that he didn’t go out with her because he hadn’t finished revising for the exam.

20. The man paid with his life. This means that .............. .

A. he had to protect himself against those who tried to kill him.

B. he was punished for the crimes he had committed.

C. he had to pay to let others set him free.

D. he had to show others that he was not guilty.

21. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?

A. Wael try to keep calm during the exam: this will let you concentrate more.

B. Wael, try to keep calm during the exam: this will let you concentrate more.

C. Wael, try to keep calm during the exam this will let you concentrate more.

D. Wael. Try to keep calm during the exam. this will let you concentrate more.

22. “Haidy, I can challenge you to a tennis match now!” Reem said. Reem said that she .............. challenge Haidy to a tennis match then.

A. can

B. could

C. should

D. will

23. Coronavirus pandemic is still spreading. However, a lot of people don’t care much about this danger. The second sentence shows. ..............

A. addition

B. cause

C. result

D. contrast

24. Which of the following is part of an essay on the advantages of learning more than one language?

A. A lot of people are against teaching young children more than one language at an early age.

B. In my opinion, I think that modernising education is the most important issue to adopt. Good education surely leads to building up great generations that can face global challenges.

C. The benefits of being bilingual are clear cut; it is a well-known fact that being bilingual can improve some brain functions, like the ability to focus attention and perform mental tasks.

D. In my opinion, those who are against modernising education believe that they are right because they need to accept change gradually.

25. A surgeon must have danger. The second sentence shows. .............. hands to perform a surgery.

A. small

B. steady

C. vibrating

D. trembling

26. Which of the following is structurally correct?

A. Having finished work, I returned home and had lunch.

B. Having finished work, I had returned home and had lunch.

C. After I had finished work, I had returned home and had lunch.

D. After I had finished work, I will return home and had lunch.

27. We are proud of our ancestors who made an amazing civilisation thousands of years ago. The antonym for ancestors is .............. .

A. parents

B. descendants

C. grandparents

D. grandchildren

Read the article and choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D.

28. According to the article, we love to take a selfie .............. .

A. with well-known people

B. in front of famous places

C. in London only

D. with the people we work with

29. In 1851, ............... .

A. the giant greenhouse was burnt.

B. the first Great Exhibition was destroyed.

C. the International Registered Exhibitions were set up.

D. the first Great Exhibition was held in London.

30. The Expo ............... .

A. has been celebrated for less than 180 years.

B. was designed by Joseph Paxton.

C. was destroyed in 1936.

D. was opened in 1851.

31. What does the article focus mainly on?

A. taking a selfie of a famous place.

B. finding solutions to the problems of mankind.

C. displays of a country’s culture.

D. places of cultural interest.

32. The underlined word construction is an antonym for ............... .

A. obstruction

B. destruction

C. instruction

D. deterioration

33. According to the article, the reason for celebrating the Expo is ............... .

A. to throw a party after reaching solutions to the problems of mankind.

B. to make more propaganda about that place.

C. to find solutions to the problems of mankind.

D. to prevent other countries from sharing in that event.

34. According to the article, which of the following is correct?

A. There are ordinary displays of the countries’ cultures during celebrating the Expo.

B. The Great Exhibition was held in Paris.

C. The celebration of the Expo aimed at sharing the world’s diverse languages.

D. Joseph Paxton designed the building the Great Exhibition.

35. The building of the Great Exhibition was ............... .

A. similar to a giant greenhouse made of iron and glass.

B. different from a giant greenhouse made of iron and glass.

C. held in an African country.

D. similar to a giant greenhouse made of rock and metal.

Read and choose the correct translation from A, B, C or D.

36. Culture and language are inextricably linked: you can't understand a culture without first learning a language. Therefore, it is better to be bilingual to know more about other cultures.

A. ترتبط الثقافة والحضارة ارتباطًا وثيقًا. لا يمكنك فهم حضارة ما دون تعلم اللغة أولاً. من الأفضل أن تكون ثنائي الثقافة لمعرفة المزيد عن تاريخ الشعوب الأخرى.
B. ترتبط الثقافة واللغة ارتباطًا وثيقًا. لا يمكنك فهم حضارة ما دون دراسة تاريخها أولاً. من الأفضل أن تكون ثنائي اللغة لمعرفة المزيد عن تاريخ الدول الأخرى.
C. ترتبط الحضارة والتاريخ ارتباطًا وثيقًا. لا يمكنك فهم حضارة ما دون دراسة التاريخ أولاً. لذلك من الأفضل أن تكون ثنائي اللغة لمعرفة المزيد عن تاريخ الدول الأخرى.
D. ترتبط الثقافة واللغة ارتباطًا وثيقًا، لا يمكنك فهم ثقافة ما دون تعلم اللغة أولاً، لذلك من الأفضل أن تكون ثنائي اللغة لمعرفة المزيد عن الثقافات الأخرى.

37. Egypt has wonderful great monuments that reflect its great civilisation throughout history. This magnificent heritage must be a source of pride for us as well as a motivator to achieve great things.

A. تمتلك مصر الحضارة الفرعونية العريقة التي تبرز أثارها العظيمة عبر التاريخ. يجب أن يكون هذا التاريخ الرائع مصدر فخر لنا وكذلك دافعًا لتحقيق أحلام عظيمة.
B. تمتلك مصر العديد من الأثار العظيمة التي تؤثر على حضارتها العظيمة عبر التاريخ. يجب أن يكون هذا التاريخ الرائع مصدر فخر لكل العالم وكذلك دافعًا لتحقيق أشياء عظيمة.
C. تمتلك مصر العديد من الأثار الرائعة التي تعكس حضارتها العظيمة عبر التاريخ. يجب أن يكون هذا التراث الرائع مصدر فخر لنا وكذلك دافعًا لتحقيق أشياء عظيمة.
D. تمتلك مصر الحضارة المعمارية الرائعة التي تعكس تاريخها المجيد عبر التاريخ. يجب أن تكون هذه الحضارة النادرة مصدر فخر لنا وكذلك دافعًا لتحقيق أشياء عظيمة.

38. أعلنت منظمة الصحة العالمية أن متحور فيروس كورونا الجديد – الذي تُطلق عليه إسم "أوميكرون"- هو الأشد عدوى بن كل متحورات الفيروس التي ظهرت حتى الآن.

A. The World Health Organization announced that COVID-19 - which it calls "Omicron “- is the most contagious between all the virus mutations that have been developed so far.

B. The Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population announced that the new Coronavirus mutant - which it calls "Omicron "- is the most contagious among all the virus mutations that have been cured so far.

C. The World Health Organization denied that the new Coronavirus mutant - which it calls "COVID"-19 - is the simplest among all the virus mutations that have appeared so far.

D. The World Health Organization announced that the new Coronavirus mutant - which it calls "Omicron" - is the most contagious among all the virus mutations that have appeared so far.

39. لم تُكشف كل أسرار الحضارة المصرية القديمة حتى الأن، من حين لأخر يفاجئنا علماء الأثار باكتشاف المزيد من القطع الأثرية الفريدة التي تزيل الغموض عن طبيعة الحياة منذ ألاف السنين.

A. Not all the secrets of modern Egyptian antiquities have been revealed yet. From time to time, archaeologists surprise us by discovering more unique artefacts that add to the history of the ancient Egyptian civilisation hundreds of years ago.

B. Not all the secrets of ancient Egyptian antiquities have been written down yet. From time to time, archaeologists surprise us by discovering more unique artefacts that show the majesty of the Egyptian civilisation thousands of years ago.

C. Not all the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilisation have been revealed yet. From time to time, archaeologists surprise us by discovering more unique artefacts that uncover the mystery of the nature of life thousands of years ago.

D. A few of the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilisation have been revealed yet. From time to time, geologists surprise us by discovering more unique rocks that uncover the mystery of the nature of the desert thousands of years ago.